* Si quieres que hagamos difusión de tus artículos escríbenos a documentacion.iacs@aragon.es
Quality of life assessment in core outcome sets: A position statement of the EADV Task Force on Quality of Life and Patient Oriented Outcomes.
Chernyshov PV, Evers AWM, Bewley A, Tomas-Aragones L, Marron SE, Manolache L, Pustišek N, Abeni D, Sampogna F, Linder MD, Salek MS, Szepietowski JC.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Jan;36(1):20-23. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17725
Analysis of first-line treatment in older patients with metastasic colorectal cancer.
Martínez AM, Ferrández MJA, Rello AP, Gimeno-Ballester V, Pueyo AE, Blanco OP, Malo S, Sazatornil MRA.
J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2022 Jan;28(1):74-81. doi: 10.1177/1078155220984229.
KCNQ2 gene mutations and neonatal epilepsy.
García Castellanos MT, López Pisón J, Pérez Delgado R.
Med Clin (Barc). 2021 Dec 24;157(12):589-590. doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2021.01.019
Sustained LDL-Cholesterol <70 mg/dL is associated with improved cardiovascular outcomes in the clinical setting.
Sánchez-Bacaicoa C, Galán J, Guijarro C, Rico-Martín S, Monreal M, Calderón-García JF, Aguilar-Cortés E, Sánchez Muñoz-Torrero JF; For FRENA Investigators.
Eur J Clin Invest. 2021 Dec 14:e13732. doi: 10.1111/eci.13732.
Is it important to achieve physical activity recommendations at early stages of life to improve bone health?
Ferrer P, Iglesia I, Muniz-Pardos B, Miguel-Berges ML, Flores-Barrantes P, Gomez-Bruton A, Moreno LA, Rodríguez G.
Osteoporos Int. 2021 Dec 14. doi: 10.1007/s00198-021-06256-z.
Observational study on fluid therapy management in surgical adult patients.
Colomina MJ, Ripollés-Melchor J, Guilabert P, Jover JL, Basora M, Cassinello C, Ferrandis R, Llau JV, Peñafiel J.
BMC Anesthesiol. 2021 Dec 13;21(1):316. doi: 10.1186/s12871-021-01518-z.
Association of Systolic Blood Pressure With Dementia Risk and the Role of Age, U-Shaped Associations, and Mortality.
van Dalen JW, Brayne C, Crane PK, Fratiglioni L, Larson EB, Lobo A, Lobo E, Marcum ZA, Moll van Charante EP, Qiu C, Riedel-Heller SG, Röhr S, Rydén L, Skoog I, van Gool WA, Richard E.
JAMA Intern Med. 2021 Dec 13. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2021.7009.
Effects of dry needling on function, hypertonia and quality of life in chronic stroke: a randomized clinical trial.
Calvo S, Brandín-de la Cruz N, Jiménez-Sánchez C, Bravo-Esteban E, Herrero P.
Acupunct Med. 2021 Dec 13:9645284211056347. doi: 10.1177/09645284211056347.
Impact of the iCODEX tool in routine clinical practice in Spain.
Gómez-Antúnez M, Recio-Iglesias J, Almagro P, Díez-Manglano J, López-García F, Boixeda R.
Curr Med Res Opin. 2021 Dec 11:1-19. doi: 10.1080/03007995.2021.2014162.
Recommendations for the management of critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Intensive Care Units.
Vidal-Cortés P, Díaz Santos E, Aguilar Alonso E, Amezaga Menéndez R, Ballesteros MÁ, Bodí MA, Bordejé Laguna ML, Garnacho Montero J, García Sánchez M, López Sánchez M, Martín-Loeches I, Ochagavía Calvo A, Ramírez Galleymore P, Alcántara Carmona S, Andaluz Ojeda D, Badallo Arébalo O, Barrasa González H, Borges Sa M, Castellanos-Ortega Á, Estella Á, Ferrer Roca R, Fraile Gutiérrez V, Fuset Cabanes M, Giménez-Esparza Vich C, González Iglesias C, Hernández-Tejedor A, Igeño Cano JC, Iglesias Posadilla D, Jiménez Rivera JJ, Llanos Jorge C, Llompart-Pou JA, López Camps V, Lorencio Cárdenas C, Marcos Neira P, Martín Delgado MC, Martín-Macho González M, Martín Villén L, Nuvials Casals X, Ortiz Suñer A, Quintana Díaz M, Rascado Sedes P, Recuerda Núñez M, Del Río Carbajo L, Rodríguez Aguirregabiria M, Rodríguez Oviedo A, Seijas Betolaza I, Soriano Cuesta C, Suberviola Cañas B, Vera Ching C, Vidal González Á, Zapata Fenor L, Zaragoza Crespo R.
Med Intensiva (Engl Ed). 2021 Dec 10:S2173-5727(21)00179-X. doi: 10.1016/j.medine.2021.11.019.
Randomized phase II study of fulvestrant plus palbociclib or placebo in endocrine-sensitive, hormone receptor-positive/HER2-advanced breast cancer: GEICAM/2014-12 (FLIPPER).
Albanell J, Martínez MT, Ramos M, O’Connor M, de la Cruz-Merino L, Santaballa A, Martínez-Jañez N, Moreno F, Fernández I, Alarcón J, Virizuela JA, de la Haba-Rodríguez J, Sánchez-Rovira P, González-Cortijo L, Margelí M, Sánchez-Muñoz A, Antón A, Casas M, Bezares S, Rojo F.
Eur J Cancer. 2021 Dec 10;161:26-37. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.11.010.
Impact of the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the outcome of neurosurgical patients: a nationwide study in Spain.
Paredes I, Castaño Leon AM, Lagares A, Jimenez Roldan L, Perez-Nuñez A, González-Leon P, Delgado-Fernandez J, Eiriz C, García-Pérez D, Moreno-Gomez LM, Esteban-Sinovas O, Delgado-López P, Martín-Alonso J, Kaen A, Tirado-Caballero J, Ordóñez Carmona M, Arteaga Romero F, Gonzalez Pombo M, Alén JF, Gil-Simoes R, Torres CV, Navas Garcia M, Blasco G, Frade-Porto N, González-Tarno P, Martin Segura A, Gelabert-Gonzalez M, Menendez Cortezon B, Rodriguez Botana B, Pérez-Alfayate R, Fernandez Garcia C, Ferrandez Pujante B, Vargas-Jiménez A, Cotúa C, de la Lama A, Calero L, Ruiz-Juretschke F, Garcia Leal R, Valera Mele M, Casitas Hernando V, Rivero Martín B, Orduna J, Casado Pellejero J, Fustero De Miguel D, Diaz-Molina J, Moles Herbera J, Castello Ruiz MJ, Gomar Alba M, Garcia Perez F, Hernandez Garcia BJ, Villaseñor Ledezma J, Otero Rodríguez Á, Ailagas JJ, Goncalves-Estella J, Sousa Casasnovas P, Pascual Argente D, Ruiz Martín L, Roa Montes de Oca JC, Arandia Guzmán D, García Martín A, Torres Carretero L, Garrido Ruíz PA, Calvo M, Miranda-Lloret P, Rodriguez-Cadarso Suarez-Vence M, Anotn Oltra J, Roca Barber A, Quiroz Tejada A, Carbayo Lozano G, Bermudez Vilar G, Paternain Martin C, Dela FuenteVilla P, Fidalgo De la Rosa M, Sistiaga García ÍL, Zabalo San Juan G.
BMJ Open. 2021 Dec 10;11(12):e053983. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053983.
Age-related mortality in 61,993 confirmed COVID-19 cases over three epidemic waves in Aragon, Spain. Implications for vaccination programmes.
Casas-Deza D, Bernal-Monterde V, Aranda-Alonso AN, Montil-Miguel E, Julián-Gomara AB, Letona-Giménez L, Arbones-Mainar JM.
PLoS One. 2021 Dec 9;16(12):e0261061. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261061
Mapping of choriocapillaris vascular density in young and aged healthy subjects.
Bartol-Puyal FA, Isanta C, Calvo P, Méndez-Martínez S, Ruiz-Moreno Ó, Pablo L.
Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec 9:11206721211067019. doi: 10.1177/11206721211067019.
Grau-Perez M, Caballero-Mateos MJ, Domingo-Relloso A, Navas-Acien A, Gomez-Ariza JL, Garcia-Barrera T, Leon-Latre M, Soriano-Gil Z, Jarauta E, Cenarro A, Moreno-Franco B, Laclaustra M, Civeira F, Casasnovas JA, Guallar E, Tellez-Plaza M.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2021 Dec 9:ATVBAHA121316358. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.121.316358.
Safety and efficacy of the tumor-selective adenovirus enadenotucirev with or without paclitaxel in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer: a phase 1 clinical trial.
Moreno V, Barretina-Ginesta MP, García-Donas J, Jayson GC, Roxburgh P, Vázquez RM, Michael A, Antón-Torres A, Brown R, Krige D, Champion B, McNeish I.
J Immunother Cancer. 2021 Dec;9(12):e003645. doi: 10.1136/jitc-2021-003645.
Role of targeted therapies in rheumatic patients on COVID-19 outcomes: results from the COVIDSER study.
Álvaro Gracia JM, Sanchez-Piedra C, Manero J, Ruiz-Lucea ME, López-Vives L, Bohorquez C, Martinez-Barrio J, Bonilla G, Vela P, García-Villanueva MJ, Navío-Marco MT, Pavía M, Galindo M, Erausquin C, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Rua-Figueroa I, Pego-Reigosa JM, Castrejon I, Sanchez-Costa JT, González-Dávila E, Diaz-Gonzalez F; COVIDSER study group.
RMD Open. 2021 Dec;7(3):e001925. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2021-001925.
SEDAR-SEMICYUC consensus on the management of haemostasis disorders in severe COVID-19 patients.
Llau JV, Ferrandis R, Sierra P, Hidalgo F, Cassinello C, Gómez-Luque A, Quintana M, Amezaga R, Geroi M, Serrano A, Marcos P.
Med Intensiva (Engl Ed). 2021 Dec;45(9):567-568. doi: 10.1016/j.medine.2021.10.007.
COVID-19 prevalence and mortality in people with epilepsy: A nation-wide multicenter study.
Sanchez-Larsen A, Conde-Blanco E, Viloria-Alebesque A, Sánchez-Vizcaíno Buendía C, Espinosa Oltra T, Alvarez-Noval A, Aledo-Serrano A, Martin-Garcia R, Ramos-Araque ME, Campos D, Valle-Peñacoba G, Sierra-Gómez A, De Ceballos-Cerrajería P, Agundez-Sarasola M, Khawaja M, Hampel KG, Serra-Martínez M, Arbós-Barber C, Gómez-Ibáñez A, Villino-Boquete R, Cabezudo-García P, Rodríguez-Lavado I, Principe A, Sopelana-Garay D.
Epilepsy Behav. 2021 Dec;125:108379. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108379.
Within and across country variations in treatment of patients with heart failure and diabetes.
Or Z, Shatrov K, Penneau A, Wodchis W, Abiona O, Blankart CR, Bowden N, Bernal-Delgado E, Knight H, Lorenzoni L, Marino A, Papanicolas I, Riley K, Pellet L, Estupiñán-Romero F, van Gool K, Figueroa JF.
Health Serv Res. 2021 Dec;56 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):1358-1369. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13854.
Differences in health care spending and utilization among older frail adults in high-income countries: ICCONIC hip fracture persona.
Papanicolas I, Figueroa JF, Schoenfeld AJ, Riley K, Abiona O, Arvin M, Atsma F, Bernal-Delgado E, Bowden N, Blankart CR, Deeny S, Estupiñán-Romero F, Gauld R, Haywood P, Janlov N, Knight H, Lorenzoni L, Marino A, Or Z, Penneau A, Shatrov K, Stafford M, van de Galien O, van Gool K, Wodchis W, Jha AK.
Health Serv Res. 2021 Dec;56 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):1335-1346. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13739.
Differences in health outcomes for high-need high-cost patients across high-income countries.
Papanicolas I, Riley K, Abiona O, Arvin M, Atsma F, Bernal-Delgado E, Bowden N, Blankart CR, Deeny S, Estupiñán-Romero F, Gauld R, Haywood P, Janlov N, Knight H, Lorenzoni L, Marino A, Or Z, Penneau A, Schoenfeld AJ, Shatrov K, Stafford M, van de Galien O, van Gool K, Wodchis W, Jha AK, Figueroa JF.
Health Serv Res. 2021 Dec;56 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):1347-1357. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13735.
International comparison of health spending and utilization among people with complex multimorbidity.
Figueroa JF, Papanicolas I, Riley K, Abiona O, Arvin M, Atsma F, Bernal-Delgado E, Bowden N, Blankart CR, Deeny S, Estupiñán-Romero F, Gauld R, Haywood P, Janlov N, Knight H, Lorenzoni L, Marino A, Or Z, Penneau A, Shatrov K, van de Galien O, van Gool K, Wodchis W, Jha AK.
Health Serv Res. 2021 Dec;56 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):1317-1334. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13708.
Effects of the onabotulinumtoxinA follow-up delay in migraine course during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Gonzalez-Martinez A, Planchuelo-Gómez Á, Guerrero ÁL, García-Azorín D, Santos-Lasaosa S, Navarro-Pérez MP, Odriozola-González P, Irurtia MJ, Quintas S, de Luis-García R, Gago-Veiga AB.
Neurol Sci. 2021 Dec;42(12):5087-5092. doi: 10.1007/s10072-021-05180-8.
Ultrasonographic Measurement of Masseter Muscle Thickness Associates with Oral Phase Dysphagia in Institutionalized Elderly Individuals.
González-Fernández M, Arbones-Mainar JM, Ferrer-Lahuerta E, Perez-Nogueras J, Serrano-Oliver A, Torres-Anoro E, Sanz-Paris A.
Dysphagia. 2021 Dec;36(6):1031-1039. doi: 10.1007/s00455-020-10234-8.
SARS-CoV-2, a new causative agent of Guillain-Barré syndrome?
Esteban Molina A, Mata Martínez M, Sánchez Chueca P, Carrillo López A.
Med Intensiva (Engl Ed). 2021 Nov 25:S2173-5727(21)00174-0. doi: 10.1016/j.medine.2021.11.014.
Predictors of Tumour Growth and Autonomous Cortisol Secretion Development during Follow-Up in Non-Functioning Adrenal Incidentalomas.
Araujo-Castro M, Parra Ramírez P, Robles Lázaro C, García Centeno R, Gracia Gimeno P, Fernández-Ladreda MT, Sampedro Núñez MA, Marazuela M, Escobar-Morreale HF, Valderrabano P.
J Clin Med. 2021 Nov 25;10(23):5509. doi: 10.3390/jcm10235509.
Multiple Approaches at Admission Based on Lung Ultrasound and Biomarkers Improves Risk Identification in COVID-19 Patients.
Rubio-Gracia J, Sánchez-Marteles M, Garcés-Horna V, Martínez-Lostao L, Ruiz-Laiglesia F, Crespo-Aznarez S, Peña-Fresneda N, Gracia-Tello B, Cebollada A, Carrera-Lasfuentes P, Pérez-Calvo JI, Giménez-López I.
J Clin Med. 2021 Nov 23;10(23):5478. doi: 10.3390/jcm10235478.
Influence of smoking history on the evolution of hospitalized in COVID-19 positive patients: results from the SEMI-COVID-19 registry.
Navas Alcántara MS, Montero Rivas L, Guisado Espartero ME, Rubio-Rivas M, Ayuso García B, Moreno Martinez F, Ausín García C, Taboada Martínez ML, Arnalich Fernández F, Martínez Murgui R, Molinos Castro S, Ramos Muñoz ME, Fernández-Garcés M, Carreño Hernandez MC, García García GM, Vázquez Piqueras N, Abadía-Otero J, Lajara Villar L, Salazar Monteiro C, Pascual Pérez MLR, Perez-Martin S, Collado-Aliaga J, Antón-Santos JM, Lumbreras-Bermejo C; en nombre del grupo SEMI-COVID-19.
Med Clin (Barc). 2021 Nov 15:S0025-7753(21)00650-3. doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2021.10.011.
Incidence, predictors and clinical impact of permanent pacemaker insertion in women following transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Insights from a prospective multinational registry.
Nicolas J, Guedeney P, Claessen BE, Mehilli J, Petronio AS, Sartori S, Lefèvre T, Presbitero P, Capranzano P, Iadanza A, Cao D, Chiarito M, Goel R, Roumeliotis A, Chandiramani R, Chen S, Sardella G, Van Mieghem NM, Sorrentino S, Meliga E, Tchétché D, Dumonteil N, Fraccaro C, Trabattoni D, Mikhail GW, Ferrer-Gracia MC, Naber C, Kievit PC, Baber U, Sharma SK, Morice MC, Dangas GD, Chandrasekhar J, Chieffo A, Mehran R.
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2021 Nov 15;98(6):E908-E917. doi: 10.1002/ccd.29807.
Baseline Drug Treatments as Indicators of Increased Risk of COVID-19 Mortality in Spain and Italy.
Bliek-Bueno K, Mucherino S, Poblador-Plou B, González-Rubio F, Aza-Pascual-Salcedo M, Orlando V, Clerencia-Sierra M, Ioakeim-Skoufa I, Coscioni E, Carmona-Pírez J, Perrella A, Trama U, Prados-Torres A, Menditto E, Gimeno-Miguel A.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Nov 10;18(22):11786. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182211786.
From Molecular Recognition to the “Vehicles” of Evolutionary Complexity: An Informational Approach.
Marijuán PC, Navarro J.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov 4;22(21):11965. doi: 10.3390/ijms222111965.
Clinical characteristics and management of type 1 diabetes in Spain. The SED1 study.
Gómez-Peralta F, Menéndez E, Conde S, Conget I, Novials A; investigators of the studies SED and SED1
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr (Engl Ed). 2021 Nov;68(9):642-653. doi: 10.1016/j.endien.2021.11.020.
[Knowledge assessment on basic aspects of sepsis and septic shock in medical personnel in training].
Chicote-Álvarez E, Vilella-Llop LÁ, Mainar-Gil I, Camino-Ferró H, Lizama-Gómez NG.
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Evidence Map of Pancreatic Surgery-A living systematic review with meta-analyses by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS).
Probst P, Hüttner FJ, Meydan Ö, Abu Hilal M, Adham M, Barreto SG, Besselink MG, Busch OR, Bockhorn M, Del Chiaro M, Conlon K, Castillo CF, Friess H, Fusai GK, Gianotti L, Hackert T, Halloran C, Izbicki J, Kalkum E, Kelemen D, Kenngott HG, Kretschmer R, Landré V, Lillemoe KD, Miao Y, Marchegiani G, Mihaljevic A, Radenkovic D, Salvia R, Sandini M, Serrablo A, Shrikhande S, Shukla PJ, Siriwardena AK, Strobel O, Uzunoglu FG, Vollmer C, Weitz J, Wolfgang CL, Zerbi A, Bassi C, Dervenis C, Neoptolemos J, Büchler MW, Diener MK.
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Prevalence of symptomatic osteoarthritis in Spain: EPISER2016 study.
Blanco FJ, Silva-Díaz M, Quevedo Vila V, Seoane-Mato D, Pérez Ruiz F, Juan-Mas A, Pego-Reigosa JM, Narváez J, Quilis N, Cortés R, Romero Pérez A, Fábregas Canales D, Font Gayá T, Bordoy Ferrer C, Sánchez-Piedra C, Díaz-González F, Bustabad-Reyes S; EPISER2016 Project Working Group.
Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed). 2021 Oct;17(8):461-470. doi: 10.1016/j.reumae.2020.01.005.
Filamentous fungi in the airway of patients with cystic fibrosis: Just spectators?
Viñado C, Girón RM, Ibáñez E, García-Ortega A, Pérez I, Polanco D, Pemán J, Solé A.
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[Scleredema: Beyond the hardening of the skin].
Hernaiz Calvo LM, Abadías Granado I, Sánchez Bernal J, Abecia Martínez EI, Gilaberte Calzada Y.
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Gaucher Disease: Identification and Novel Variants in Mexican and Spanish Patients.
Silva García R, de Frutos LL, Arreguin EÁ, González CC, Ortiz JEG, Ornelas SF, Castellano PG, Favela FB.
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Prognostic value of ambulatory blood pressure values in elderly patients with heart failure. Results of the DICUMAP study.
Camafort M, Jhund PS, Formiga F, Castro-Salomó A, Arévalo-Lorido JC, Sobrino-Martínez J, Manzano L, Díez-Manglano J, Aramburu Ó, Montero Pérez-Barquero M; DICUMAP Investigators.
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Genomic mutation profile in progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients prior to first-line chemoimmunotherapy with FCR and rituximab maintenance (REM).
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Marie Curie: How to break the glass ceiling in science and in radiology.
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Randomized placebo-controlled phase II trial of high-dose melatonin mucoadhesive oral gel for the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiation therapy concurrent with systemic treatment.
Lozano A, Marruecos J, Rubió J, Farré N, Gómez-Millán J, Morera R, Planas I, Lanzuela M, Vázquez-Masedo MG, Cascallar L, Giralt J, Escames G, Valentí V, Grima P, Bosser R, Tarragó C, Mesía R.
Clin Transl Oncol. 2021 Sep;23(9):1801-1810. doi: 10.1007/s12094-021-02586-w.
Variation in intraabdominal pressure in patients with acute heart failure according to left ventricular ejection fraction. Results of an intraabdominal pressure study.
Rubio Gracia J, Giménez López I, Josa Laorden C, Sánchez Marteles M, Garcés Horna V, de la Rica Escuín ML, Pérez Calvo JI.
Rev Clin Esp (Barc). 2021 Aug-Sep;221(7):384-392. doi: 10.1016/j.rceng.2020.01.011.
Clinical relevance of postzygotic mosaicism in Cornelia de Lange syndrome and purifying selection of NIPBL variants in blood.
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Sci Rep. 2021 Jul 29;11(1):15459. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-94958-z.
High-quality intake of carbohydrates is associated with lower prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis in femoral arteries: The AWHS study.
Muñoz-Cabrejas A, Laclaustra M, Guallar-Castillón P, Casasnovas JA, Jarauta E, Sandoval-Insausti H, Donat-Vargas C, Moreno-Franco B.
Clin Nutr. 2021 Jun;40(6):3883-3889. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2021.04.049.
Recommendations on the comprehensive, multidimensional assessment of hospitalized elderly people. Position of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine.
Vallejo Maroto I, Cubo Romano P, Mafé Nogueroles MC, Matesanz-Fernández M, Pérez-Belmonte LM, Said Criado I, Gómez-Huelgas R, Díez Manglano J; Focus Group on Aging of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine and the Working Group on Polypathology and Advanced Age.
Rev Clin Esp (Barc). 2021 Jun-Jul;221(6):347-358. doi: 10.1016/j.rceng.2020.10.007.
Effect of in-hospital glycemic variability on mortality in patients with diabetes.
Jordán-Domingo M, Gimeno-Orna JA, Lahoza-Pérez MC, Ilundain-González AI, Agudo-Tabuenca A, Sáenz-Abad D.
Rev Clin Esp (Barc). 2021 Jun-Jul;221(6):323-330. doi: 10.1016/j.rceng.2019.12.014.
A multi-laboratory benchmark study of isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) using Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to EDTA.
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Point-of-care ultrasound after attempted suicidal hanging.
Palanca Arias D, Gutiérrez Sánchez A, Estaben Boldova V, Ayerza Casas A, Madurga Revilla P, García Íñiguez JP.
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Uncertainty in protein-ligand binding constants: asymmetric confidence intervals versus standard errors.
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