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Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with cystic fibrosis in Spain: Incidence and results of the national CF-COVID19-Spain survey.
Mondejar-Lopez P, Quintana-Gallego E, Giron-Moreno RM, Cortell-Aznar I, Ruiz de Valbuena-Maiz M, Diab-Caceres L, Prados-Sanchez C, Alvarez-Fernandez A, Garcia-Marcos PW, Peñalver-Mellado C, Pastor-Vivero MD, Olveira C, Lopez-Neyra A, Castillo-Corullon S, Palma-Milla S, Perez-Ruiz E, Sole-Jover A, Barrio MI, Sanchez-Solis M, Asensio de la Cruz Ó; CF-COVID19-Spain Registry Group.
Respir Med. 2020

Adapting to an unprecedented scenario: surgery during the COVID-19 outbreak.
BenÍtez CY, Pedival AN, Talal I, Cros B, Ribeiro MAF, Azfar M, Saverio SD, Laina JLB.
Rev Col Bras Cir. 2020

Involvement of the digestive system in covid-19. A review.
Sanz Segura P, Arguedas Lázaro Y, Mostacero Tapia S, Cabrera Chaves T, Sebastián Domingo JJ.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020

What do Spanish men know about menopause?
Fasero M, Mainar LB, Campo LR, Delgado DV, Coronado PJ.
Menopause. 2020

Evaluation of specialized training in hospital pharmacy.
Gimeno-Jordá MJ, Giménez-Poderos T, Negro-Vega E, Fernández-de Gamarra E, Sanmartín-Fenollera P, Lozano-Blázquez A, González-López J, Talens-Bolós A, Arrieta-Navarro R, Soria-Soto M.
Farm Hosp. 2020

Sex differences between women and men with COPD: A new analysis of the 3CIA study.
Perez TA, Castillo EG, Ancochea J, Pastor Sanz MT, Almagro P, Martínez-Camblor P, Miravitlles M, Rodríguez-Carballeira M, Navarro A, Lamprecht B, Ramírez-García Luna AS, Kaiser B, Alfageme I, Casanova C, Esteban C, Soler-Cataluña JJ, De-Torres JP, Celli BR, Marin JM, Lopez-Campos JL, Riet GT, Sobradillo P, Lange P, Garcia-Aymerich J, Anto JM, Turner AM, Han MK, Langhammer A, Sternberg A, Leivseth L, Bakke P, Johannessen A, Oga T, Cosío B, Echazarreta A, Roche N, Burgel PR, Sin DD, Puhan MA, Soriano JB.
Respir Med. 2020

Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes of patient prosthesis mismatch in women undergoing TAVI for severe aortic stenosis: Insights from the WIN-TAVI registry.
Panoulas VF, Chandrasekhar J, Busi G, Ruparelia N, Zhang Z, Mehilli J, Sartori S, Lefèvre T, Presbitero P, Capranzano P, Tchetche D, Iadanza A, Sardella G, Van Mieghem NM, Meliga E, Dumonteil N, Fraccaro C, Trabattoni D, Sharma S, Ferrer-Gracia MC, Naber CK, Kievit PC, Snyder C, Sutaria N, Sen S, Malik IS, Morice MC, Nihoyannopoulos P, Petronio AS, Mehran R, Chieffo A, Mikhail GW; WIN-TAVI Investigators.
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2020

Leigh Syndrome in a Pedigree Harboring the m.1555A>G Mutation in the Mitochondrial 12S rRNA.
Habbane M, Llobet L, Bayona-Bafaluy MP, Bárcena JE, Ceberio L, Gómez-Díaz C, Gort L, Artuch R, Montoya J, Ruiz-Pesini E.
Genes (Basel). 2020

The incidence rate of pulmonary arterial hypertension and scleroderma renal crisis in systemic sclerosis patients with digital ulcers on endothelin antagonist receptors (ERAs) and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5i).
Pestaña-Fernández M, Rubio-Rivas M, Tolosa-Vilella C, Guillén-Del-Castillo A, Colunga-Argüelles D, Argibay A, Marí-Alfonso B, Marín-Ballvé A, Pla-Salas X, Chamorro AJ, Castro-Salomó A, Madroñero-Vuelta AB, Sánchez-García ME, Sáez-Comet L, González-Echávarri C, Ortego-Centeno N, Vargas-Hitos JA, Todolí-Parra JA, Trapiella-Martínez L, Lledó GM, Freire M, Fonollosa-Pla V, Simeón-Aznar CP.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020

TRAIL and cancer immunotherapy: Take a walk on the short side.
De Miguel D, Pardo J.
Clin Cancer Res. 2020

Production of a Granulysin-Based, Tn-Targeted Cytolytic Immunotoxin Using Pulsed Electric Field Technology.
Guerrero-Ochoa P, Aguilar-Machado D, Ibáñez-Pérez R, Macías-León J, Hurtado-Guerrero R, Raso J, Anel A.
Int J Mol Sci. 2020

Distal pancreatectomy with multivisceral resection: A retrospective multicenter study – Case series.
Ramia JM, Del Río-Martín JV, Blanco-Fernández G, Cantalejo-Díaz M, Sastre FR, Ortí LS, Hernández AC, Manuel-Vázquez A, Hernández-Rivera PJ, Jaén-Torrejimeno I, Kälviäinen Mejía HK, Gordillo SE, Muñoz-Forner E, De la Plaza R, Longoria-Dubocq T, De Armas-Conde N, Sánchez FP, Garcés-Albir M, Serradilla-Martín M.
Int J Surg. 2020

Risk factors and outcome of COVID-19 in patients with hematological malignancies.
Piñana JL, Martino R, García-García I, Parody R, Morales MD, Benzo G, Gómez-Catalan I, Coll R, De La Fuente I, Luna A, Merchán B, Chinea A, de Miguel D, Serrano A, Pérez C, Diaz C, Lopez JL, Saez AJ, Bailen R, Zudaire T, Martínez D, Jurado M, Calbacho M, Vázquez L, Garcia-Cadenas I, Fox L, Pimentel AI, Bautista G, Nieto A, Fernandez P, Vallejo JC, Solano C, Valero M, Espigado I, Saldaña R, Sisinni L, Ribera JM, Jimenez MJ, Trabazo M, Gonzalez-Vicent M, Fernández N, Talarn C, Montoya MC, Cedillo A, Sureda A; Infectious Complications Subcommittee of the Spanish Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Cell Therapy Group (GETH).
Exp Hematol Oncol. 2020

Design and validation of an electrophysiological based tool to assess chronic stress. Case study: burnout syndrome in caregivers.
Aguiló Mir S, García Pagès E, López Barbeito B, Ribeiro TC, Garzón-Rey JM, Aguiló Llobet J.
Stress. 2020

Generalized Pustular Figurate Erythema. First Report in Two COVID-19 Patients on Hydroxychloroquine.
Abadías-Granado I, Palma-Ruiz AM, Cerro PA, Morales-Callaghan AM, Gómez-Mateo MC, Gilaberte Y, Schwartz RA.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020

Histolo-radiological dissociation in pulmonary fibrosis secondary to SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Peiro Chamarro M, Ruiz de Gopegui Miguelena P, Sampedro Martín I, Callau Calvo A, Martínez Lamazares MT, Fuertes Schott C.
Med Intensiva. 2020

Feasibility and Clinical Usefulness of the Unified Protocol in Online Group Format for Bariatric Surgery Candidates: Study Protocol for a Multiple Baseline Experimental Design.
Quilez-Orden A, Ferreres-Galán V, Osma J.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020

Adherence to prophylaxis in adult patients with severe haemophilia A.
Bonanad S, García-Dasí M, Aznar JA, Mingot-Castellano ME, Jiménez-Yuste V, Calle M, Palma A, López-Fernández MF, Marco P, Paloma MJ, Fernández-Mosteirin N, Galmés B, Sanabria M, Álvarez M.
Haemophilia. 2020

Identifying and overcoming barriers to harmonize newborn screening programs through consensus strategies.
González-Irazabal Y, Hernandez de Abajo G, Martínez-Morillo E.
Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. 2020

Mismatch Repair Deficiency in Ovarian Carcinoma: Frequency, Causes, and Consequences.
Leskela S, Romero I, Cristobal E, Pérez-Mies B, Rosa-Rosa JM, Gutierrez-Pecharroman A, Caniego-Casas T, Santón A, Ojeda B, López-Reig R, Palacios-Berraquero ML, García Á, Ibarra J, Hakim S, Guarch R, López-Guerrero JA, Poveda A, Palacios J.
Am J Surg Pathol. 2020

Cost-effectiveness of positive airway pressure modalities in obesity hypoventilation syndrome with severe obstructive sleep apnoea.
Masa JF, Mokhlesi B, Benítez I, Gómez de Terreros Caro FJ, Sánchez-Quiroga MÁ, Romero A,  et al; Spanish Sleep Network.
Thorax. 2020

Nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPACT): a multicentre, open-label phase 2 study.
Philip PA, Lacy J, Portales F, Sobrero A, Pazo-Cid R, Manzano Mozo JL, Kim EJ, Dowden S, Zakari A, Borg C, Terrebonne E, Rivera F, Sastre J, Bathini V, López-Trabada D, Asselah J, Saif MW, Shiansong Li J, Ong TJ, Nydam T, Hammel P.
Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020

[Biotin interference in thyroid function tests].
Esteban Jiménez Ó, Letosa Gaudó J, Moreno Juste A, Urieta González L, González Rubio F.
Semergen. 2020

Effectiveness of a family-, school- and community-based intervention on physical activity and its correlates in Belgian families with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Feel4Diabetes-study.
Huys N, Van Stappen V, Shadid S, De Craemer M, Androutsos O, Wikström K, Makrilakis K, Moreno LA, Iotova V, Tankova T, Nánási A, Manios Y, Cardon G; Feel4Diabetes-study group.
BMC Public Health. 2020