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[Evaluation of social distancing measures on the transmissibility of COVID-19 in rural areas. Retrospective logitudinal study of posible cases].
Peña-Galo E, Turón-Alcaine JM, Gracia-Carrasco E, Alcedo-González J.
Semergen. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.semerg.2021.01.004.
Mini Nutritional Assessment – Short Form Is a Useful Malnutrition Screening Tool in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis, Using the Global Leadership Initiative for Malnutrition Criteria as the Gold Standard.
Casas Deza D, Betoré Glaria ME, Sanz-París A, Lafuente Blasco M, Fernández Bonilla EM, Bernal Monterde V, Arbonés Mainar JM, Fuentes Olmo J.
Nutr Clin Pract. 2021. doi: 10.1002/ncp.10640.
Albumin-based nanostructures for uveal melanoma treatment.
Latorre A, Latorre A, Castellanos M, Lafuente-Gómez N, Diaz CR, Crespo-Barreda A, Lecea M, Cordani M, Martín-Duque P, Somoza Á.
Nanomedicine. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2021.102391.
[Journal of the Pediatric Society of Aragon, La Rioja and Soria].
de Arriba-Muñoz A, Bueno-Lozano MG.
An Pediatr (Barc). 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2021.03.005.
Familial hypercholesterolemia in Gran Canaria: Founder mutation effect and high frequency of diabetes.
Sánchez-Hernández RM, González-Lleó AM, Tugores A, Brito-Casillas Y, Civeira F, Boronat M, Wägner A.
Clin Investig Arterioscler. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.arteri.2021.02.010.
PD-(L)1 Inhibitors as Monotherapy for the First-Line Treatment of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients with High PD-L1 Expression: A Network Meta-Analysis.
Majem M, Cobo M, Isla D, Marquez-Medina D, Rodriguez-Abreu D, Casal-Rubio J, Bueno TM, Bernabé-Caro R, Parente DP, Ruiz-Gracia P, Arroyo MM, Paz-Ares L.
J Clin Med. 2021. doi: 10.3390/jcm10071365.
Work Shift, Lifestyle Factors, and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Spanish Male Workers: A Mediation Analysis.
Peñalvo JL, Mertens E, Muñoz-Cabrejas A, León-Latre M, Jarauta E, Laclaustra M, Ordovás JM, Casasnovas JA, Uzhova I, Moreno-Franco B.
Nutrients. 2021. doi: 10.3390/nu13041077.
Blood Donations and Transfusions during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: Impact According to Autonomous Communities and Hospitals.
García-Erce JA, Romón-Alonso Í, Jericó C, Domingo-Morera JM, Arroyo-Rodríguez JL, Sola-Lapeña C, Bueno-Cabrera JL, Juárez-Vela R, Zalba-Marcos S, Abad-Motos A, Gea-Caballero V, Santolalla-Arnedo I, Quintana-Díaz M.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18073480.
Cardiovascular diseases in people with diabetes mellitus in Spain according to the Primary Care Clinical Database (BDCAP) in 2017.
Pujante Alarcón P, Menéndez Torre EL, Morales Sánchez P, Rodríguez Escobedo R, Conde Barreiro S, Rojo Martínez G, Delgado Alvarez E; autores en representación del Grupo de Epidemiología de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes (SED).
Med Clin (Barc). 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2020.12.040.
COVID-19 and Gastrointestinal Disease: Implications for the Gastroenterologist.
Hunt RH, East JE, Lanas A, Malfertheiner P, Satsangi J, Scarpignato C, Webb GJ.
Dig Dis. 2021. doi: 10.1159/000512152.
Prion-Associated Neurodegeneration Causes Both Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Proteasome Impairment in a Murine Model of Spontaneous Disease.
Otero A, Betancor M, Eraña H, Fernández Borges N, Lucas JJ, Badiola JJ, Castilla J, Bolea R.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021. doi: 10.3390/ijms22010465.
Development of an international template to support patient submissions in Health Technology Assessments.
Cook N, Livingstone H, Dickson J, Taylor L, Morgan K, Coombes M, Wortley S, Oehrlein E, Vicente-Edo MJ, Waibel F, Liden B.
Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 2021. doi: 10.1017/S0266462321000167.
Melatonin to Rescue the Aged Heart: Antiarrhythmic and Antioxidant Benefits.
Segovia-Roldan M, Diez ER, Pueyo E.
Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2021. doi: 10.1155/2021/8876792.
Macromolecular interactions in vitro, comparing classical and novel approaches.
Velours C, Aumont-Nicaise M, Uebel S, England P, Velazquez-Campoy A, Stroebel D, Bec G, Soule P, Quétard C, Ebel C, Roussel A, Charbonnier JB, Varela PF.
Eur Biophys J. 2021. doi: 10.1007/s00249-021-01517-5.
SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in Household Domestic Ferrets (Mustela putorius furo).
Giner J, Villanueva-Saz S, Tobajas AP, Pérez MD, González A, Verde M, Yzuel A, García-García A, Taleb V, Lira-Navarrete E, Hurtado-Guerrero R, Pardo J, Santiago L, Paño JR, Ruíz H, Lacasta D, Fernández A.
Animals (Basel). 2021. doi: 10.3390/ani11030667.
Determination of the Concentration of IgG against the Spike Receptor-Binding Domain That Predicts the Viral Neutralizing Activity of Convalescent Plasma and Serum against SARS-CoV-2.
Santiago L, Uranga-Murillo I, Arias M, González-Ramírez AM, Macías-León J, Moreo E, Redrado S, García-García A, Taleb V, Lira-Navarrete E, Hurtado-Guerrero R, Aguilo N, Del Mar Encabo-Berzosa M, Hidalgo S, Galvez EM, Ramirez-Labrada A, de Miguel D, Benito R, Miranda P, Fernández A, Domingo JM, Serrano L, Yuste C, Villanueva-Saz S, Paño-Pardo JR, Pardo J.
Biology (Basel). 2021. doi: 10.3390/biology10030208.
The Influence of Parental Dietary Behaviors and Practices on Children’s Eating Habits.
Mahmood L, Flores-Barrantes P, Moreno LA, Manios Y, Gonzalez-Gil EM.
Nutrients. 2021. doi: 10.3390/nu13041138.
The Association between Portion Sizes from High-Energy-Dense Foods and Body Composition in European Adolescents: The HELENA Study.
Flieh SM, Miguel-Berges ML, González-Gil EM, Gottrand F, Censi L, Widhalm K, Manios Y, Kafatos A, Molnár D, Dallongeville J, Stehle P, Gonzalez-Gross M, Marcos A, De Henauw S, Molina-Hidalgo C, Huybrechts I, Moreno LA.
Nutrients. 2021. doi: 10.3390/nu13030954.
Nanogels with High Loading of Anesthetic Nanocrystals for Extended Duration of Sciatic Nerve Block.
Alejo T, Uson L, Landa G, Prieto M, Yus Argón C, Garcia-Salinas S, de Miguel R, Rodríguez-Largo A, Irusta S, Sebastian V, Mendoza G, Arruebo M.
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2021. doi: 10.1021/acsami.1c00894.
One Year On: Are We Ready for COVID?
Peña-Otero D, Bello Dronda S, Díaz-Pérez D, de la Rosa Carrillo D.
Arch Bronconeumol. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2021.02.016.
Diagnosis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma by Immuno-Positron Emission Tomography.
González-Gómez R, Pazo-Cid RA, Sarría L, Morcillo MÁ, Schuhmacher AJ.
J Clin Med. 2021. doi: 10.3390/jcm10061151.
Pharmacological Primary Cardiovascular Prevention and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Men: Evidence from the Aragon Workers’ Health Study.
Aguilar-Palacio I, Malo S, Jarauta E, Moreno-Franco B, Maldonado L, Compés L, Rabanaque MJ, Casasnovas JA.
J Clin Med. 2021. doi: 10.3390/jcm10050945.
Physicochemical Properties of Lipoproteins Assessed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Predictor of Premature Cardiovascular Disease. PRESARV-SEA Study.
Fernández-Cidón B, Candás-Estébanez B, Gil-Serret M, Amigó N, Corbella E, Rodríguez-Sánchez MÁ, Padró-Miquel A, Brotons C, Hernández-Mijares A, Calmarza P, Jarauta E, Brea AJ, Mauri M, Guijarro C, Vila À, Valdivielso P, Corbella X, Pintó X.
J Clin Med. 2021. doi: 10.3390/jcm10071379.
Orthogeriatric Management: Improvements in Outcomes during Hospital Admission Due to Hip Fracture.
Tarazona-Santabalbina FJ, Ojeda-Thies C, Figueroa Rodríguez J, Cassinello-Ogea C, Caeiro JR.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18063049.
Daily Sitting for Long Periods Increases the Odds for Subclinical Atheroma Plaques.
Perez-Lasierra JL, Laclaustra M, Guallar-Castillón P, Casasnovas JA, Casajús JA, Jarauta E, Gonzalez-Agüero A, Moreno-Franco B.
J Clin Med. 2021. doi: 10.3390/jcm10061229.