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Plausibility of a Neural Network Classifier-Based Neuroprosthesis for Depression Detection via Laughter Records
Navarro J, Fernández Rosell M, Castellanos A, del Moral R, Lahoz-Beltra R, Marijuán PC
Front. Neurosci.2019

Sleep duration and blood pressure in children: Analysis of the pan-European IDEFICS cohort.
Sparano S, Lauria F, Ahrens W, Fraterman A, Thumann B, Iacoviello L, Marild S, Michels N, Molnar D, Moreno LA, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Siani A.
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2019

Predicting long-term disease control in transplant-ineligible patients with multiple myeloma: impact of an MGUS-like signature.
Rodríguez-Otero P, Mateos MV, Martínez-López J, Hernández MT, Ocio EM, Rosiñol L, Martínez R, Teruel AI, Gutiérrez NC, Bargay J, Bengoechea E, González Y, de Oteyza JP, Gironella M, Nuñez-Córdoba JM, Encinas C, Martín J, Cabrera C, Palomera L, de Arriba F, Cedena MT, Puig N, Oriol A, Paiva B, Bladé J, Lahuerta JJ, San Miguel JF.
Blood Cancer J. 2019

Characterisation of resistance mechanisms developed by basal cell carcinoma cells in response to repeated cycles of Photodynamic Therapy.
Lucena SR, Zamarrón A, Carrasco E, Marigil MA, Mascaraque M, Fernández-Guarino M, Gilaberte Y, González S, Juarranz A.
Sci Rep. 2019

A Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing strain persists at high rates and extends its geographic boundaries 20 years after importation.
Pérez-Lago L, Campos-Herrero MI, Cañas F, Copado R, Sante L, Pino B, Lecuona M, Gil ÓD, Martín C, Muñoz P, García-de-Viedma D, Samper S.
Sci Rep. 2019

Total and cardiovascular mortality risk according to KDIGO guidelines classification in type 2 diabetic patients.
Medrano Navarro AL, Justel Enríquez A, Alameda Serrano J, Blasco Lamarca Y, Sáenz Abad D, Gimeno Orna JA.
Med Clin (Barc). 2019

Mindfulness, rumination, and coping skills in young women with Eating Disorders: A comparative study with healthy controls.
Hernando A, Pallás R, Cebolla A, García-Campayo J, Hoogendoorn CJ, Roy JF.
PLoS One. 2019

External Validation and Recalculation of the CODEX Index in COPD Patients. A 3CIAplus Cohort Study.
Almagro P, Martínez-Camblor P, Miravitlles M, Rodríguez-Carballeira M, Navarro A, Lamprecht B, Ramirez-Garcia Luna AS, Kaiser B, Alfageme I, Casanova C, Esteban C, Soler-Cataluña JJ, de-Torres JP, Celli BR, Marin JM, Ter Riet G, Sobradillo P, Lange P, Garcia-Aymerich J, Anto JM, Turner AM, Han MK, Langhammer A, Sternberg A, Leivseth L, Bakke P, Johannessen A, Oga T, Cosío B, Ancochea J, Echazarreta A, Roche N, Burgel PR, Sin DD, Puhan MA, Soriano JB; 3CIA collaboration.
COPD. 2019

Oxidative phosphorylation inducers fight pathological angiogenesis.
Bayona-Bafaluy MP, Esteban O, Ascaso J, Montoya J, Ruiz-Pesini E.
Drug Discov Today. 2019

Multicenter study of clinical non-β-lactam-antibiotic susceptible MRSA strains: Genetic lineages and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) production.
Ceballos S, Aspiroz C, Ruiz-Ripa L, Azcona-Gutierrez JM, López-Cerero L, López-Calleja AI, Álvarez L, Gomáriz M, Fernández M, Torres C; Study Group of Clinical LA-MRSA; Study Group of Clinical LA-MRSA.
Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2019

Apoyo a las guías de publicación para estudios de evaluación económica por parte de las revistas biomédicas españolas.
Catalá-López F, Ridao M, Bernal-Delgado E, Moher D, Repullo JR.
Gac Sanit. 2019

The role of extracellular matrix on liver stem cell fate: A dynamic relationship in health and disease.
Sánchez-Romero N, Sainz-Arnal P, Pla-Palacín I, Dachary PR, Almeida H, Pastor C, Soto DR, Rodriguez MC, Arbizu EO, Martinez LB, Serrano-Aulló T, Baptista PM.
Differentiation. 2019

Effect of an alcohol-free beer enriched with isomaltulose and a resistant dextrin on insulin resistance in diabetic patients with overweight or obesity.
Mateo-Gallego R, Pérez-Calahorra S, Lamiquiz-Moneo I, Marco-Benedí V, Bea AM, Fumanal AJ, Prieto-Martín A, Laclaustra M, Cenarro A, Civeira F.
Clin Nutr. 2019

Valoración cuantitativa de la perdida de funcionalidad asociada a la aparición de complicaciones en osteosíntesis de fracturas de humero proximal.
Hernández Fernández A, Roche Albero A, Gómez Blasco AM, Martín Hernández C.
Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba. 2019