* Si quieres que hagamos difusión de tus artículos escríbenos a documentacion.iacs@aragon.es
The “sociotype” construct: Gauging the structure and dynamics of human sociality.
Marijuán PC, Montero-Marín J, Navarro J, García-Campayo J, Del Moral R.
PLoS One. 2017
Choroidal thickness measured using swept-source optical coherence tomography is reduced in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Abadia B, Suñen I, Calvo P, Bartol F, Verdes G, Ferreras A.
PLoS One. 2018
Comparison of two methods to estimate adverse events in the IBEAS Study (Ibero-American study of adverse events): cross-sectional versus retrospective cohort design.
Aranaz Andrés JM, Limón Ramírez R, Aibar Remón C, Gea-Velázquez de Castro MT, Bolúmar F, Hernández-Aguado I, López Fresneña N, Díaz-Agero Pérez C, Terol García E, Michel P, Sousa P, Larizgoitia Jauregui I; IBEAS Teamwork.
BMJ Open. 2017
La comunicación institucional de contenidos sanitarios mediante notas de prensa y su reflejo en la prensa diaria. El caso de Aragón
García-Latorre FJ, Aibar-Remón C, Gobantes-Bilbao M.
Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud (RECS), 2017
La seguridad jurídica de los profesionales sanitarios. Un requisito para lograr una mayor calidad asistencial
Mira Solves JJ, Romeo Casabona CM, Urruela Mora A, Aga Valero Y, Astier Peña P, Lorenzo Martínez S, Aibar Remón C, Aranaz Andrés JM.
Derecho y Salud, 2017
Teaching Confidentiality through Comics at One Spanish Medical School.
Lalanda, M., Lalanda, M., Altisent, R., & Delgado-Marroquín, M. T.
AMA Journal of Ethics,2018
Self-expressed patient preferences for the treatment of actinic keratosis: results from a non-interventional study based on a real-life setting in Spain.
García-Malinis AJ, Gracia-Cazaña T, GILAberte Y.
Eur J Dermatol. 2018
Bone metabolism markers and vitamin D in adolescent cyclists.
Olmedillas H, Gonzalez-Agüero A, Rapún-López M, Gracia-Marco L, Gomez-Cabello A, Pradas de la Fuente F, Moreno LA, Casajús JA, Vicente-Rodríguez G.
Arch Osteoporos. 2018
How prokaryotes ‘encode’ their environment: Systemic tools for organizing the information flow.
Marijuán PC, Navarro J, Del Moral R.
Biosystems. 2018
Executive summary: Diagnosis and Treatment of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection: Clinical Guidelines of the Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC) and the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC).
Chaves F, Garnacho-Montero J, Del Pozo JL, Bouza E, Capdevila JA, de Cueto M, Domínguez MÁ, Esteban J, Fernández-Hidalgo N, Fernández Sampedro M, Fortún J, Guembe M, Lorente L, Paño JR, Ramírez P, Salavert M, Sánchez M, Vallés J.
Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2018
3β-hydroxyesteroid dehydrogenase deficiency detected through increased serum levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone in the neonatal screening.
de Arriba Muñoz A, Izquierdo Álvarez S, Labarta Aizpún JI.
Med Clin (Barc). 2018
Efficacy of “Attachment-Based Compassion Therapy” in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Montero-Marín J, Navarro-Gil M, Puebla-Guedea M, Luciano JV, Van Gordon W, Shonin E, García-Campayo J.
Front Psychiatry. 2018
The Burden of Atopic Dermatitis in Adults.
Gilaberte Y.
Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2018
Economic Impact of Third-Wave Cognitive Behavioral Therapies: A Systematic Review and Quality Assessment of Economic Evaluations in Randomized Controlled Trials.
Feliu-Soler A, Cebolla A, McCracken LM, D’Amico F, Knapp M, López-Montoyo A, García-Campayo J, Soler J, Baños RM, Pérez-Aranda A, Andrés-Rodriguez L, Rubio-Valera M, Luciano JV.
Behav Ther. 2018
Diagnosis and treatment of catheter-related bloodstream infection: Clinical guidelines of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology and (SEIMC) and the Spanish Society of Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC).
Chaves F, Garnacho-Montero J, Del Pozo JL, Bouza E, Capdevila JA, de Cueto M, Domínguez MÁ, Esteban J, Fernández-Hidalgo N, Fernández Sampedro M, Fortún J, Guembe M, Lorente L, Paño JR, Ramírez P, Salavert M, Sánchez M, Vallés J.
Med Intensiva. 2018
Real-World Multicenter Experience of Immunosuppression Minimization Among 661 Liver Transplant Recipients.
Aguiar D, Martínez-Urbistondo D, Baroja-Mazo A, de la Mata M, Rodríguez-Perálvarez M, Rubín A, Puchades L, Serrano T, Montero J, Cuadrado A, Casafont F, Salcedo M, Rincón D, Pons JA, Herrero JI.
Ann Transplant. 2017