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Systematic review and network meta-analysis of treatment for moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis.
Trigo-Vicente C, Gimeno-Ballester V, García-López S, López-Del Val A.
Int J Clin Pharm. 2018
Determination and Isolation of Immune Populations from Brain Tumor Microenvironments.
Godino J, Schuhmacher AJ.
Methods Mol Biol. 2019;
Mouse Model of Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer (CAC): Isolation and Characterization of Mucosal-Associated Lymphoid Cells.
Santiago L, Castro M, Pardo J, Arias M.
Methods Mol Biol. 2019;
Prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart diseases in a tertiary hospital in two years.
Cardiel Valiente L, Ayerza Casas A, Samper Villagrasa P.
Med Clin (Barc). 2018
Multimorbidity care model: Recommendations from the consensus meeting of the Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS).
Palmer K, Marengoni A, Forjaz MJ, Jureviciene E, Laatikainen T, Mammarella F, Muth C, Navickas R, Prados-Torres A, Rijken M, Rothe U, Souchet L, Valderas J, Vontetsianos T, Zaletel J, Onder G; Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing Across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS).
Health Policy. 2018
Heart Failure Care Dyadic Typology: Initial Conceptualization, Advances in Thinking, and Future Directions of a Clinically Relevant Classification System.
Buck HG, Hupcey J, Juárez-Vela R, Vellone E, Riegel B.
J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2018
Bilateral pyoderma gangrenosum associated with ulcerative colitis and restorative proctocolectomy.
Llorente Barrio M, García López S, Gilaberte Calzada Y, Monzón Báez RM, Casas Deza D, Lamuela Calvo LJ.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018
Cornelia de Lange syndrome: Ventricular size and function in six children without congenital heart defects.
Ayerza-Casas A, Puisac-Uriol B, Pie-Juste J.
Med Clin (Barc). 2018
Zieve’s syndrome, an underdiagnosed entity.
Gotor Delso J, Espina Cadena S, García Cámara P, Sanz Segura P, Llorente Barrio M, Monzon Baez R, Casa Deza D, Lamuela Calvo LJ, Bernal Monterde V.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018
Short-term perioperative iron in major orthopedic surgery: state of the art.
Gómez-Ramírez S, Maldonado-Ruiz MÁ, Campos-Garrigues A, Herrera A, Muñoz M.
Vox Sang. 2018
[Effectiveness and safety of alpha-erythropoietin in the (orthopaedic) patient over 65 years old].
Jericó Alba C, Herrera Rodríguez A, García-Erce JA.
Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2018
Screening for Body Dysmorphic Disorders in Acne Patients: A Pilot Study.
Marron SE, Gracia-Cazaña T, Miranda-Sivelo A, Lamas-Diaz S, Tomas-Aragones L.
Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2018
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia After Thoracic Traumatism in a Patient With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot.
Molina Borao I, Urmeneta Ulloa J, Calvo Galiano N, Palanca Arias D, Jiménez Montañés L, López Ramón M.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2018
Coexpression of p-IGF-1R and MMP-7 Modulates Panitumumab and Cetuximab Efficacy in RAS Wild-Type Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients.
Alonso V, Escudero P, Fernández-Martos C, Salud A, Méndez M, Gallego J, Rodriguez JR, Martín-Richard M, Fernández-Plana J, Manzano H, Méndez JC, Zanui M, Falcó E, Gil-Raga M, Rojo F, Cuatrecasas M, Feliu J, García-Albéniz X, Maurel J.
Neoplasia. 2018
Experience with NexoBrid® in enzymatic debridement of facial burns.
Sampietro de Luis JM.
Burns. 2018