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Low-dose aspirin and risk of upper/lower gastrointestinal bleeding by bleed severity: a cohort study with nested case-control analysis using primary care electronic health records from the United Kingdom.
García Rodríguez LA, Lanas A, Soriano-Gabarró M, Cea Soriano L.
Ann Med. 2019
Consensus for managing patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease according to the CODEX index.
Boixeda R, Díez-Manglano J, Gómez-Antúnez M, López-García F, Recio J, Almagro P.
Rev Clin Esp. 2019
Comparison of the birmingham vasculitis activity score and the five factors score to assess survival in anca-associated vasculitis.
Solans-Laqué R, Rodriguez-Carballeira M, Rios-Blanco JJ, Fraile G, Sáez-Comet L, Martinez-Zapico A, Frutos B, Solanich X, Fonseca-Aizpuru E, Pasquau-Liaño F, Zamora M, Oristrell J, Fanlo P, Lopez-Dupla M, Abdilla M, García-Sánchez I, Sopeña B, Castillo MJ, Perales I, Callejas JL; Spanish Registry of systemic vasculitis (REVAS); Autoimmune Systemic Diseases Study Group (GEAS); Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI).
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2019
Quality of life measurement in hidradenitis suppurativa: position statement of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology task forces on Quality of Life and Patient-Oriented Outcomes and Acne, Rosacea and Hidradenitis Suppurativa.
Chernyshov PV, Zouboulis CC, Tomas-Aragones L, Jemec GB, Svensson A, Manolache L, Tzellos T, Sampogna F, Pustisek N, van der Zee HH, Marron SE, Spillekom-van Koulil S, Bewley A, Linder D, Abeni D, Szepietowski JC, Augustin M, Finlay AY.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2019
Self-reported periodontitis and migraine: results from a multicenter, cross-sectional survey in Spain.
Leira Y, Pozo-Rosich P, Torres-Ferrús M, Orlandi M, Láinez JM, Álvaro LC, Monzón MJ, Guerrero Á, García-Azorín D, Belvís R, González-Oria C, Gago-Veiga AB, Latorre G, Santos S, Cuadrado ML, Blanco J, Leira R, D’Aiuto F.
Odontology. 2019
Extracellular l-arginine Enhances Relaxations Induced by Opening of Calcium-Activated SKCa Channels in Porcine Retinal Arteriole.
Simonsen U, Winther AK, Oliván-Viguera A, Comerma-Steffensen S, Köhler R, Bek T.
Int J Mol Sci. 2019
Clinical utility of thrombophilia, anticoagulant treatment and maternal variables as predictors of placenta-mediated pregnancy complications: an extensive analysis.
Lafalla O, Esteban LM, Lou AC, Cornudella R, Domínguez M, Sanz G, Borque Á.
J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019
Cognitive Training Therapy Improves the Effect of Hypocaloric Treatment on Subjects with Overweight/Obesity: A Randomised Clinical Trial.
Galindo Muñoz JS, Morillas-Ruiz JM, Gómez Gallego M, Díaz Soler I, Barberá Ortega MDC, Martínez CM, Hernández Morante JJ.
Nutrients. 2019
Skipping breakfast is associated with adiposity markers especially when sleep time is adequate in adolescents.
Forkert ECO, Moraes ACF, Carvalho HB, Manios Y, Widhalm K, González-Gross M, Gutierrez A, Kafatos A, Censi L, De Henauw S, Moreno LA.
Sci Rep. 2019
Results measured by means of a motion capture system in proximal humerus fractures treated by osteosynthesis with locking plate.
Gómez-Blasco AM, Hernández-Fernández A, Roche-Albero A, Martín-Hernández C.
Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol. 2019
GLUT12 and adipose tissue: Expression, regulation and its relation with obesity in mice.
Gil-Iturbe E, Arbones-Mainar JM, Moreno-Aliaga MJ, Lostao MP.
Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2019
Enabling cell recovery from 3D cell culture microfluidic devices for tumour microenvironment biomarker profiling.
Virumbrales-Muñoz M, Ayuso JM, Lacueva A, Randelovic T, Livingston MK, Beebe DJ, Oliván S, Pereboom D, Doblare M, Fernández L, Ochoa I.
Sci Rep. 2019
Co-prescription patterns of cardiovascular preventive treatments: a cross-sectional study in the Aragon worker’ health study (Spain).
Aguilar-Palacio I, Malo S, Lallana M, Feja C, González J, Moreno-Franco B, Rabanaque M.
BMJ Open. 2019
Exploring the Role of Meditation and Dispositional Mindfulness on Social Cognition Domains: A Controlled Study.
Campos D, Modrego-Alarcón M, López-Del-Hoyo Y, González-Panzano M, Van Gordon W, Shonin E, Navarro-Gil M, García-Campayo J.
Front Psychol. 2019
Donor age predicts calcineurin inhibitor induced neurotoxicity after liver transplantation.
Lué A, Martinez E, Navarro M, Laredo V, Lorente S, Araiz JJ, Garcia-Gil FA, Serrano MT.
Transplantation. 2019
Intracellular Delivery of Biologically-Active Fungal Metabolite Gliotoxin Using Magnetic Nanoparticles.
Comas L, Polo E, Domingo MP, Hernández Y, Arias M, Esteban P, Martínez-Lostao L, Pardo J, Martínez de la Fuente J, Gálvez EM.
Materials (Basel). 2019
Religiosity and Meditation Practice: Exploring Their Explanatory Power on Psychological Adjustment.
Montero-Marin J, Perez-Yus MC, Cebolla A, Soler J, Demarzo M, Garcia-Campayo J.
Front Psychol. 2019
Familial association of genetic generalised epilepsy with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy through a mutation in CAPN3.
Viloria-Alebesque A, Bellosta-Diago E, Santos-Lasaosa S, Mauri-Llerda JÁ.
Epilepsy Behav Case Rep. 2019
Are Comorbidities Associated With Overall Survival in Patients With Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
Jariod-Ferrer ÚM, Arbones-Mainar JM, Gavin-Clavero MA, Simón-Sanz MV, Moral-Saez I, Cisneros-Gimeno AI, Martinez-Trufero J.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019