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Significant improvement of facial actinic keratoses after blue light photodynamic therapy with oral vitamin D pretreatment.
Gilaberte Y, Moreno R, Juarranz A, González S.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022 Nov;87(5):e165. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2022.05.064
Volumetric study of brain MRI in a cohort of patients with neurotransmitter disorders.
Alfonsi C, Stephan-Otto C, Cortès-Saladelafont E, Palacios NJ, Podzamczer-Valls I, Cruz NG, Jiménez MRD, Micó SI, Vila MT, Jeltsch K, Hübschmann OK, Opladen T, Fragua RV, Gómez T, Fortuny OA, Jiménez IG, Laso EL, Martínez AR, López JM, Garcia-Cazorla À.
Neuroradiology. 2022 Nov;64(11):2179-2190. doi: 10.1007/s00234-022-02989-8.
Influence of serum vitamin D level in the response of actinic keratosis to ingenol mebutate.
Moreno-Alonso de Celada R, Gracia-Cazaña T, Najera-Botello L, Cerro-Muñoz P, Juarranz A, Gonzalez S, Gilaberte Y.
Dermatol Ther. 2022 Oct 19:e15949. doi: 10.1111/dth.15949.
Quality of life measurement in vitiligo. Position statement of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Force on Quality of Life and Patient Oriented Outcomes with external experts.
Chernyshov PV, Tomas-Aragones L, Manolache L, Pustisek N, Salavastru CM, Marron SE, Bewley A, Svensson A, Poot F, Suru A, Salek SS, Augustin M, Szepietowski JС, Koumaki D, Katoulis AC, Sampogna F, Abeni D, Linder DM, Speeckaert R, van Geel N, Seneschal J, Ezzedine K, Finlay AY.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Oct 19. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18593
Survival of Patient With Hemorrhagic Meningitis Associated With Inhalation Anthrax.
Lombarte Espinosa E, Villuendas Usón MC, Arribas García J, Jado García I, Huarte Lacunza R, Zárate Chug P, Claraco Vega LM, Jesús Santed Andrés M, Ríos MJ, Cook R, Simard JM, Boyer AE, Rezusta A.
Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Oct 17;75(Supplement_3):S364-S372. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac531
Severe acute hepatic failure secondary to amiodarone overdose.
Balint Ilie C, Montón Dito JM, Esteban Molina A.
Med Clin (Barc). 2022 Oct 14:S0025-7753(22)00464-X. doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2022.09.008
A cross-sectional serosurvey of SARS-CoV-2 and co-infections in stray cats from the second wave to the sixth wave of COVID-19 outbreaks in Spain.
Villanueva-Saz S, Martínez M, Giner J, González A, Tobajas AP, Pérez MD, Lira-Navarrete E, González-Ramírez AM, Macías-León J, Verde M, Yzuel A, Hurtado-Guerrero R, Arias M, Santiago L, Aguiló-Gisbert J, Ruíz H, Lacasta D, Marteles D, Fernández A.
Vet Res Commun. 2022 Oct 14:1-15. doi: 10.1007/s11259-022-10016-7.
Encefalopatía De Hashimoto Post-Vacuna Frente A SARS-COV-2.
Viscasillas Sancho M, Moreno Loscertales C, García Rubio S, Sagarra Mur D.
Neurologia. 2022 Oct 12. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2022.09.006
Gastrointestinal symptoms and complications in patients hospitalized due to COVID-19, an international multicentre prospective cohort study (TIVURON project).
Cárdenas-Jaén K, Sánchez-Luna SA, Vaillo-Rocamora A, Castro-Zocchi MR, Guberna-Blanco L, Useros-Brañas D, Remes-Troche JM, Medina AR, Priego-Parra BA, Velarde-Ruiz Velasco JA, Martínez-Ayala P, Urzúa Á, Guiñez-Francois D, Pawlak KM, Kozłowska-Petriczko K, Gorroño-Zamalloa I, Urteaga-Casares C, Ortiz-Polo I, Antoñana ADV, Lozada-Hernández EE, Obregón-Moreno E, García-Rayado G, Domper-Arnal MJ, Casas-Deza D, Esteban-Cabello EI, Díaz LA, Riquelme A, Martínez-Lozano H, Navarro-Romero F, Olivas I, Iborra-Muñoz G, Calero-Amaro A, Caravaca-García I, Lacueva-Gómez FJ, Pastor-Mateu R, Lapeña-Muñoz B, Sastre-Lozano V, Pizarro-Vega NM, Melcarne L, Pedrosa-Aragón M, Mira JJ, MStat AM, Carrillo I, de-Madaria E.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Oct 12:S0210-5705(22)00233-3. doi: 10.1016/j.gastrohep.2022.10.007
The effect of occupation on the incidence of vascular dementia: A 12-year follow-up cohort study.
Gracia-Rebled AC, Lopez-Anton R, Tomás C, Lobo E, Marcos G, Lobo A, Santabárbara J
Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment (Engl Ed). 2022 Oct 11:S2173-5050(22)00045-0. doi: 10.1016/j.rpsmen.2022.09.007
[Considerations about treatment of childhood epilepsy with lamotrigine].
Molina Herranz D, Moreno Sánchez A, López Pisón J, Salinas Salvador B, Carmen Marcen G, Lafuente Hidalgo M, García Íñiguez JP.
J Healthc Qual Res. 2022 Oct 11:S2603-6479(22)00073-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jhqr.2022.08.009
Hashimoto encephalopathy after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.
Viscasillas Sancho M, Moreno Loscertales C, García Rubio S, Sagarra Mur D.
Neurologia (Engl Ed). 2022 Oct 11:S2173-5808(22)00135-3. doi: 10.1016/j.nrleng.2022.09.005
Checklist of the temporal bone and lateral skull base CT-scan.
Acle-Cervera L, González-Aguado R, Bauer M, Bernal-Lafuente C, Drake-Pérez M, Manrique-Rodríguez M, Marco de Lucas E, Ropero-Romero F, Sambola-Cabrer I, Sánchez-Fernández R, Lassaletta L.
Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp (Engl Ed). 2022 Oct 10:S2173-5735(22)00095-3. doi: 10.1016/j.otoeng.2021.04.003
Prevalence and Socioeconomic Correlates of Adult Obesity in Europe: The Feel4Diabetes Study.
Diamantis DV, Karatzi K, Kantaras P, Liatis S, Iotova V, Bazdraska Y, Tankova T, Cardon G, Wikström K, Rurik I, Antal E, Ayala-Marín AM, Legarre NG, Makrilakis K, Manios Y.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Oct 1;19(19):12572. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191912572
Identification of miRNAs Involved in Foetal Growth Restriction Due to Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy.
Barrio E, Quirós A, Lerma-Puertas D, Labarta JI, Gascón-Catalán A.
J Clin Med. 2022 Sep 30;11(19):5808. doi: 10.3390/jcm11195808.
A mechanism-based operational definition and classification of hypercholesterolemia.
Civeira F, Arca M, Cenarro A, Hegele RA.
J Clin Lipidol. 2022 Sep 30:S1933-2874(22)00252-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jacl.2022.09.006
Case report: A novel case of parental mosaicism in SMC1A gene causes inherited Cornelia de Lange syndrome.
Gil-Salvador M, Latorre-Pellicer A, Lucia-Campos C, Arnedo M, Darnaude MT, Díaz de Bustamante A, Villares R, Palma Milla C, Puisac B, Musio A, Ramos FJ, Pié J.
Front Genet. 2022 Sep 28;13:993064. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.993064
What’s New in the 2022 Consensus for Severe Asthma in Adults.
Alvarez-Gutiérrez FJ, Blanco-Aparicio M, Casas-Maldonado F, Plaza V, González-Barcala FJ, Carretero-Gracia JÁ, Castilla-Martínez M, Cisneros C, Diaz-Pérez D, Domingo-Ribas C, Martínez-Moragon E, Muñoz X, Padilla-Galo A, Perpiña-Tordera M, Soto-Campos G.
Arch Bronconeumol. 2022 Sep 28:S0300-2896(22)00575-0. doi: 10.1016/j.arbres.2022.09.012
Clinical and Sociodemographic Determinants of Adherence to World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) Recommendations in Breast Cancer Survivors-Health-EpiGEICAM Study.
Lope V, Guerrero-Zotano A, Ruiz-Moreno E, Bermejo B, Antolín S, Montaño Á, Baena-Cañada JM, Ramos Vázquez M, Fernández de Larrea-Baz N, Chacón JI, García-Sáenz JA, Olier C, Muñoz M, Antón A, Sánchez Rovira P, Arcusa Lanza A, González S, Oltra A, Brunet J, Gavilá Gregori J, Martínez MT, Calvo L, Rosell L, Bezares S, Pastor-Barriuso R, Pérez-Gómez B, Martín M, Pollán M.
Cancers (Basel). 2022 Sep 27;14(19):4705. doi: 10.3390/cancers14194705
Cellular and molecular alterations in neurons and glial cells in inherited retinal degeneration.
Martínez-Gil N, Maneu V, Kutsyr O, Fernández-Sánchez L, Sánchez-Sáez X, Sánchez-Castillo C, Campello L, Lax P, Pinilla I, Cuenca N.
Front Neuroanat. 2022 Sep 26;16:984052. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2022.984052