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A risk-organised model for clinically significant prostate cancer early detection.
Morote J, Borque-Fernando Á, Triquell M, Abascal JM, Servian P, Planas J, Mendez O, Esteban LM, Tilla E.
BJUI Compass. 2023 Mar 7;4(4):420-422. doi: 10.1002/bco2.230.
Multidisciplinary approach to inherited causes of dual sensory impairment.
Arias-Peso B, Calero-Ramos ML, López-Ladrón García de la Borbolla C, López-Domínguez M, Morillo-Sánchez MJ, Méndez-Martínez S, Sánchez-Gómez S, Rodríguez-de-la-Rúa E.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023 Jun 21. doi: 10.1007/s00417-023-06153-7
Long-term outcomes of high-risk HR-positive and HER2-negative early breast cancer patients from GEICAM adjuvant studies and El Álamo IV registry.
Martín M, Carrasco E, Rodríguez-Lescure Á, Andrés R, Servitja S, Antón A, Ruiz-Borrego M, Bermejo B, Guerrero Á, Ramos M, Santaballa A, Muñoz M, Cruz J, Lopez-Tarruella S, Chacón JI, Álvarez I, Martínez P, Miralles JJ, Polonio Ó, Jara C, Aguiar-Bujanda D.
Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2023 Jun 20. doi: 10.1007/s10549-023-07002-1.
Bicuspid aortic valve: one of the last remaining challenges for the percutaneous treatment of aortic valve disease.
Jimenez-Quevedo P, Espejo-Paeres C, Hennessey B.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2023 Jun 16:S1885-5857(23)00164-0. doi: 10.1016/j.rec.2023.04.007.
Hopelessness in Patients with Early-Stage Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.
Sainz de la Maza S, Maurino J, Castillo-Triviño T, Borges M, Sebastián Torres B, Sotoca J, Alonso Torres AM, Caminero AB, Borrega L, Sánchez-Menoyo JL, Barrero-Hernández FJ, Calles C, Brieva L, Blasco MR, Dotor García-Soto J, Rodríguez-Regal A, Navarro-Cantó L, Agüera-Morales E, Garcés M, Carmona O, Gabaldón-Torres L, Forero L, Hervás M, Gómez-Ballesteros R.
Patient Prefer Adherence. 2023 Jun 14;17:1431-1439. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S411069.
Decalogue to promote the implementation and improvement of recommendations for the early diagnosis of HIV in Emergency Departments.
González Del Castillo J, Perez Elias MJ, Miguens I, Espinosa B, Juárez R, Piedrafita Lozoya L, Trenc P, Alvarez Manzanares J, Marchena MJ, Rodríguez R, Cabrera N, Grajal P, Navarro C, Piñera P, García F, Moreno S, Miro O.
Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin (Engl Ed). 2023 Jun 14:S2529-993X(23)00156-9. doi: 10.1016/j.eimce.2023.06.001.
Phthalate exposure and the metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Mérida DM, Moreno-Franco B, Marquès M, León-Latre M, Laclaustra M, Guallar-Castillón P.
Environ Pollut. 2023 Jun 14:121957. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121957.
Growth trajectories in children with cleft lip and/or palate.
Gallego Sobrino R, Iglesia-Altaba I, Moral I, Iso I, Delso E, Rodríguez G.
Nutr Hosp. 2023 Jun 13. doi: 10.20960/nh.04620
Consensus recommendations for the treatment of migraine prevention.
Calleja-Hernández MÁ, Guerrero-Peral ÁL, Irimia-Sieira P, Martínez-López I, Santos-Lasaosa S, Sarobe-Carricas M, López-Matencio JMS, Láinez-Andrés JM.
Farm Hosp. 2023 Jun 13:S1130-6343(23)00035-1. doi: 10.1016/j.farma.2023.03.011.
Development of a genetic risk score to predict the risk of hypertension in European adolescents from the HELENA study.
Pérez-Gimeno G, Seral-Cortes M, Sabroso-Lasa S, Esteban LM, Lurbe E, Béghin L, Gottrand F, Meirhaeghe A, Muntaner M, Kafatos A, Molnár D, Leclercq C, Widhalm K, Kersting M, Nova E, Salazar-Tortosa DF, Gonzalez-Gross M, Breidenassel C, Sinningen K, De Ruyter T, Labayen I, Rupérez AI, Bueno-Lozano G, Moreno LA.
Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Jun 1;10:1118919. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1118919.
Serious complications of pancreatoduodenectomy correlate with lower rates of adjuvant chemotherapy: Results from the recurrence after Whipple’s (RAW) study.
Russell TB, Labib PL, Ausania F, Pando E, Roberts KJ, Kausar A, Mavroeidis VK, Marangoni G, Thomasset SC, Frampton AE, Lykoudis P, Maglione M, Alhaboob N, Bari H, Smith AM, Spalding D, Srinivasan P, Davidson BR, Bhogal RH, Croagh D, Dominguez I, Thakkar R, Gomez D, Silva MA, Lapolla P, Mingoli A, Porcu A, Shah NS, Hamady ZZR, Al-Sarrieh B, Serrablo A; RAW study collaborators; Lead unit; Chief investigator; Principle investigators; Collaborators; Collaborating units; Principal investigator; Collaborator; Aroori S.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2023 May 19:S0748-7983(23)00478-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2023.04.018.
Spanish translation of the ABC taxonomy for medication adherence.
Garcia-Cardenas V, Hughes D, Aguilar-Palacio I, Benrimoj SI, Rabanaque MJ, Martinez-Martinez F, Malo S.
Res Social Adm Pharm. 2023 May 19:S1551-7411(23)00276-0. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2023.05.012.