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Waiting time dictates impact of frailty: A Spanish multicenter prospective study.
Puchades L, Herreras J, Ibañez A, Reyes É, Crespo G, Rodríguez-Perálvarez M, Cortés L, Serrano T, Fernández-Yunquera A, Montalvá E, Berenguer M.
JHEP Rep. 2023 Jul 12;5(11):100840. doi: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2023.100840
Association of the presence of a COVID-19 infection at the time of birth and the rates of exclusive breastfeeding upon discharge in BFHI hospitals: a multicenter, prospective cohort study.
Marín Gabriel MÁ, Martín Lozoya S, de Las Heras Ibarra S, Domingo Comeche L, González Carrasco E, Lalaguna Mallada P, Villó Sirerol N, García Fernández L, Jiménez Martínez J, Royuela Vicente A.
Int Breastfeed J. 2023 Oct 4;18(1):54. doi: 10.1186/s13006-023-00590-0
Intravenous administration of BCG in mice promotes natural killer and T cell-mediated antitumor immunity in the lung.
Moreo E, Jarit-Cabanillas A, Robles-Vera I, Uranga S, Guerrero C, Gómez AB, Mata-Martínez P, Minute L, Araujo-Voces M, Felgueres MJ, Esteso G, Uranga-Murillo I, Arias M, Pardo J, Martín C, Valés-Gómez M, Del Fresno C, Sancho D, Aguiló N.
Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 4;14(1):6090. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41768-8
Endomapper dataset of complete calibrated endoscopy procedures.
Azagra P, Sostres C, Ferrández Á, Riazuelo L, Tomasini C, Barbed OL, Morlana J, Recasens D, Batlle VM, Gómez-Rodríguez JJ, Elvira R, López J, Oriol C, Civera J, Tardós JD, Murillo AC, Lanas A, Montiel JMM.
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Serious Game for Fine Motor Control Rehabilitation for Children With Epileptic Encephalopathy: Development and Usability Study.
Vidal E, Castro-Gutierrez E, Arisaca R, Paz-Valderrama A, Albiol-Pérez S.
JMIR Form Res. 2023 Oct 3;7:e50492. doi: 10.2196/50492
Targeted sequencing of selected functional genes in patients with wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis.
Moreno-Gázquez I, Pérez-Palacios R, Abengochea-Quílez L, Lahuerta Pueyo C, Roteta Unceta Barrenechea A, Andrés Gracia A, Aibar Arregui MA, Menao Guillén S.
BMC Res Notes. 2023 Oct 2;16(1):249. doi: 10.1186/s13104-023-06491-z.
Association of the superior semicircular canal and tegmen tympani dehiscences and its relationship with the pneumatisation of the temporal bone.
Whyte-Orozco J, Cisneros-Gimeno AI, García-Barrios A, Lozano-Langarita ME, Whyte-Orozco A, Rubio-Aranda E.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2023 Sep 30. doi: 10.1007/s00405-023-08243-y.
Development and validation of a caregiver-reported Numeric Rating Scale for measuring worst scratch/itch in patients aged 6 months to younger than 6 years with atopic dermatitis.
Paller AS, Siegfried E, Marron SE, Clark M, DiBenedetti D, Nelson L, Chao J, Bansal A, Chuang CC, Wang Z.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2023 Sep 29:S0190-9622(23)02880-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.08.104
Colour perception develops throughout childhood with increased risk of deficiencies in children born prematurely.
Pueyo V, Cedillo Ley M, Fanlo-Zarazaga Á, Hu L, Pan X, Perez-Roche T, Balasanyan V, Solanas D, de Fernando S, Prieto E, Yam JCS, Pham C, Ortin M, Castillo O, Gutierrez D; TrackAI Research Consortium.
Acta Paediatr. 2023 Sep 29. doi: 10.1111/apa.16978
KRAS mutations in pancreatic cancer: could we talk about a risk factor for the development of thromboembolic phenomena?
Gutiérrez Pérez C, Blanco Abad C, Hontoria Bautista G, Saiz López P, Rodríguez Ledesma I, Espinosa Cabria N, Ramos Reguera I, López Muñoz AM.
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Safety and effectiveness of direct-acting antiviral drugs in the treatment of hepatitis C in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Martin-Cardona A, Horta D, Florez-Diez P, Vela M, Mesonero F, Ramos Belinchón C, García MJ, Masnou H, de la Peña-Negro L, Suarez Ferrer C, Casanova MJ, Durán MO, Peña E, Calvet X, Fernández-Prada SJ, González-Muñoza C, Piqueras M, Rodríguez-Lago I, Sainz E, Bas-Cutrina F, Mancediño Marcos N, Ojeda A, Orts B, Sicilia B, García AC, Domènech E, Esteve M; ENEIDA registry of GETECCU.
Dig Liver Dis. 2023 Sep 26:S1590-8658(23)00941-6. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2023.09.004
Survival Differences of Patients with Resected Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma Receiving Two Different (Neo)Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
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The use of lymphocyte-depleting antibodies in specific populations of kidney transplant recipients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Montero N, Rodrigo E, Crespo M, Cruzado JM, Gutierrez-Dalmau A, Mazuecos A, Sancho A, Belmar L, Calatayud E, Mora P, Oliveras L, Solà E, Villanego F, Pascual J.
Transplant Rev (Orlando). 2023 Sep 21;37(4):100795. doi: 10.1016/j.trre.2023.100795
Metallomic Signatures of Lung Cancer and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Callejón-Leblic B, Sánchez Espirilla S, Gotera-Rivera C, Santana R, Díaz-Olivares I, Marín JM, Macario CC, Cosio BG, Fuster A, García IS, de-Torres JP, Feu Collado N, Cabrera Lopez C, Amado Diago C, Romero Plaza A, Fraysse LAP, Márquez Martín E, Marín Royo M, Balcells Vilarnau E, Llunell Casanovas A, Martínez González C, Galdíz Iturri JB, Lacárcel Bautista C, Gómez-Ariza JL, Pereira-Vega A, Seijo L, López-Campos JL, Peces-Barba G, García-Barrera T.
Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Sep 18;24(18):14250. doi: 10.3390/ijms241814250
Real-World Outcomes in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in Spain: The RWD-ACROSS Study.
Pericay C, Fernández Montes A, Alonso Orduña V, Macias Declara I, Asensio Martínez E, Rodríguez Salas N, Torres E, Cacho Lavín D, Rodríguez Alonso RM, Falcó E, Oliva JC, Cirera L.
Cancers (Basel). 2023 Sep 17;15(18):4603. doi: 10.3390/cancers15184603.
The Gluten-Free Diet for Celiac Disease: Critical Insights to Better Understand Clinical Outcomes.
Simón E, Molero-Luis M, Fueyo-Díaz R, Costas-Batlle C, Crespo-Escobar P, Montoro-Huguet MA.
Nutrients. 2023 Sep 16;15(18):4013. doi: 10.3390/nu15184013.
Lifestyle Can Exert a Significant Impact on the Development of Metabolic Complications and Quality Life in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
García-Mateo S, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Gargallo-Puyuelo CJ, Arroyo Villarino MT, Laredo De La Torre V, Gallego B, Alfambra E, Gomollón F.
Nutrients. 2023 Sep 14;15(18):3983. doi: 10.3390/nu15183983.
Placental Infection Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Wildtype Variant and Variants of Concern.
Medel-Martinez A, Paules C, Peran M, Calvo P, Ruiz-Martinez S, Ormazabal Cundin M, Cebollada-Solanas A, Strunk M, Schoorlemmer J, Oros D, Fabre M.
Viruses. 2023 Sep 13;15(9):1918. doi: 10.3390/v15091918.
Analysis of Clinical Phenotypes through Machine Learning of First-Line H. pylori Treatment in Europe during the Period 2013-2022: Data from the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg).
Nyssen OP, Pratesi P, Spínola MA, Jonaitis L, Pérez-Aísa Á, Vaira D, Saracino IM, Pavoni M, Fiorini G, Tepes B, Bordin DS, Voynovan I, Lanas Á, Martínez-Domínguez SJ, Alfaro E, Bujanda L, Pabón-Carrasco M, Hernández L, Gasbarrini A, Kupcinskas J, Lerang F, Smith SM, Gridnyev O, Leja M, Rokkas T, Marcos-Pinto R, Meštrović A, Marlicz W, Milivojevic V, Simsek H, Kunovsky L, Papp V, Phull PS, Venerito M, Boyanova L, Boltin D, Niv Y, Matysiak-Budnik T, Doulberis M, Dobru D, Lamy V, Capelle LG, Nikolovska Trpchevska E, Moreira L, Cano-Català A, Parra P, Mégraud F, O’Morain C, Ortega GJ, Gisbert JP, On Behalf Of The Hp-EuReg Investigators.
Antibiotics (Basel). 2023 Sep 10;12(9):1427. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12091427.
The Use of Sensors to Prevent, Predict Transition to Chronic and Personalize Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review.
Herrero P, Ríos-Asín I, Lapuente-Hernández D, Pérez L, Calvo S, Gil-Calvo M.
Sensors (Basel). 2023 Sep 6;23(18):7695. doi: 10.3390/s23187695
Snijders Blok-Campeau Syndrome: Description of 20 Additional Individuals with Variants in CHD3 and Literature Review.
Pascual P, Tenorio-Castano J, Mignot C, Afenjar A, Arias P, Gallego-Zazo N, Parra A, Miranda L, Cazalla M, Silván C, Heron D, Keren B, Popa I, Palomares M, Rikeros E, Ramos FJ, Almoguera B, Ayuso C, Swafiri ST, Barbero AIS, Srinivasan VM, Gowda VK, Morleo M, Nigro V, D’Arrigo S, Ciaccio C, Martin Mesa C, Paumard B, Guillen G, Anton ATS, Jimenez MD, Seidel V, Suárez J, Cormier-Daire V, Consortium TS, Nevado J, Lapunzina P.
Genes (Basel). 2023 Aug 23;14(9):1664. doi: 10.3390/genes14091664.