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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease risk in polycystic ovary syndrome patients.
Fernández-Alonso AM, Chedraui P, Pérez-López FR.
Gynecol Endocrinol. 2024 Dec;40(1):2359031. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2024.2359031
Nanomedicine Targeting Cuproplasia in Cancer: Labile Copper Sequestration Using Polydopamine Particles Blocks Tumor Growth In Vivo through Altering Metabolism and Redox Homeostasis.
Bonet-Aleta J, Encinas-Gimenez M, Oi M, Pezacki AT, Sebastian V, de Martino A, Martín-Pardillos A, Martin-Duque P, Hueso JL, Chang CJ, Santamaria J.
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2024 Jun 3. doi: 10.1021/acsami.4c04336
Long-Term Survival Of Subcutaneous Biosimilar TNFα Inhibitors Compared To Originators: Results From A Multicenter Prospective Registry.
Martínez-Vidal MP, Fernández-Carballido C, Otero-Varela L, Manero Ruiz FJ, Pérez-Vera Y, Arija SM, Fernández CC, Jovaní V, Expósito L, Lario BÁ, García-González J, Sánchez-Alonso F, Castrejón I.
J Rheumatol. 2024 Jun 1:jrheum.2024-0001. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.2024-0001
The TEOGIC study project: a comprehensive characterization of early onset gastrointestinal cancer in the Northern area of Spain.
Vera R, Castro N, Labiano I, Lecumberri A, Huerta AE, Arasanz H, Caseda I, Ruiz-Pace F, Viaplana C, Arrazubi V, Hernandez-Garcia I, Mata E, Gomez D, Laguna S, Suarez J, Fernandez-De-Los-Reyes I, Rullan M, Estremera F, Alonso V, Pazo-Cid R, Gil-Negrete A, Lafuente A, Martin-Carnicero A, Dientsmann R, Alsina M.
BMC Cancer. 2024 Jun 1;24(1):668. doi: 10.1186/s12885-024-12454-9.
Determinant factors for first-line treatment choice and effectiveness in pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis: an analysis of the EUREOS EoE CONNECT registry.
Navarro P, Feo-Ortega S, Casabona-Francés S, Gutiérrez-Junquera C, Savarino EV, Amorena E, Fernández-Fernández S, Pérez-Martínez I, Oliva S, Barrio J, Masiques-Mas ML, Guardiola-Arévalo A, Guagnozzi D, Racca F, Betoré E, Votto M, Rodríguez-Sánchez A, Barrio ML, Blas-Jhon L, Sánchez-Vegazo CT, García-Morales N, Krarup AL, Dainese R, Martín-Dominguez V, García-Díaz A, Maniero D, Santander C, Arias Á, Laserna-Mendieta EJ, Lucendo AJ.
Eur J Pediatr. 2024 May 31. doi: 10.1007/s00431-024-05618-z.
Methods of alignment in total knee arthroplasty, systematic review.
Segura-Nuez J Sr, Martín-Hernández C Sr, Segura-Nuez JC Sr, Segura-Mata JC Sr.
Orthop Rev (Pavia). 2024 May 30;16:117769. doi: 10.52965/001c.117769.
Female authorship positions in health economic evaluations: a cross-sectional analysis.
Caulley L, Tejedor-Romero L, Ridao M, Catalá-López F.
Gac Sanit. 2024 May 30;38:102402. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2024.102402
Melanoma Registry of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (REGESMEL): Description and Data in its First Year of Operation.
Vaquerizo AT, Boada A, Puig S, Nagore E, de-Misa RF, Ferrándiz L, Taboada AC, Castro E, Richarz NA, Paradela S, Llambrich Á, Salgüero I, Diago A, Samaniego E, Flórez Á, Segura S, Seral CM, Coronel-Pérez IM, Velázquez AT, Rodríguez P, Mayor A, Doval IG, Pérez MG; Grupo REGESMEL.
Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2024 May 29:S0001-7310(24)00434-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ad.2024.05.013
Current state and practical recommendations on reproductive mental health: a narrative review.
Martínez-Borba V, Suso-Ribera C, Osma J.
Women Health. 2024 May 29:1-20. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2024.2360419
Excitation of natural spinal reflex loops in the sensory-motor control of hand prostheses.
Sagastegui Alva PG, Boesendorfer A, Aszmann OC, Ibáñez J, Farina D.
Sci Robot. 2024 May 29;9(90):eadl0085. doi: 10.1126/scirobotics.adl0085
Severe adenovirus infection: presentation of 3 cases.
García ACG, Ferrer ITB, Pelegay PC, Romero RG, de Vicente CM.
An Pediatr (Engl Ed). 2024 May 28:S2341-2879(24)00144-3. doi: 10.1016/j.anpede.2024.05.005
Antimicrobial stewardship programs in acute-care hospitals: A multicenter assessment of structure, process, and outcome indicators in Italy and Spain.
Lo Moro G, Marengo N, Mara A, Paño Pardo JR, Hernandez S, Fusté E, Pujol M, Zotti CM, Limón E, Vicentini C.J
Infect Public Health. 2024 May 24;17(7):102457. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2024.05.045
Multimorbidity patterns and trajectories in young and middle-aged adults: a large-scale population-based cohort study.
Ioakeim-Skoufa I, González-Rubio F, Aza-Pascual-Salcedo M, Laguna-Berna C, Poblador-Plou B, Vicente-Romero J, Coelho H, Santos-Mejías A, Prados-Torres A, Moreno-Juste A, Gimeno-Miguel A.
Front Public Health. 2024 May 16;12:1349723. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1349723
Vulvar Swelling and Pain as a Manifestation of Metastatic Crohn’s Disease.
Villagrasa-Boli P, Martínez-Cisneros S, Concellón-Doñate MA, García-García M, Ara-Martín M.J
Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2024 May;46(5):101966. doi: 10.1016/j.jogc.2022.04.016
Evaluation of Genetic Variants Associated with the Risk of Thiopurine-Related Pancreatitis: A Case Control Study from ENEIDA Registry.
Guerra I, Barros F, Chaparro M, Benítez JM, Martín-Arranz MD, de Francisco R, Piqueras M, de Castro L, Carbajo AY, Bermejo F, Mínguez M, Gutiérrez A, Mesonero F, Cañete F, González-Muñoza C, Calvo M, Sicilia B, Alfambra E, Rivero M, Lucendo AJ, Tardillo CA, Almela P, Bujanda L, van Domselaar M, Ramos L, Fernández Sánchez M, Hinojosa E, Verdejo C, Gimenez A, Rodríguez-Lago I, Manceñido N, Pérez Calle JL, Moreno MDP, Delgado-Guillena PG, Antolín B, Ramírez de la Piscina P, Casanova MJ, Soto Escribano P, Martín Arranz E, Pérez-Martínez I, Mena R, García Morales N, Granja A, Boscá Watts MM, Francés R, Fernández C, Calafat M, Roig-Ramos C, Vera MI, Carracedo Á, Domènech E, Gisbert JP; ENEIDA Project of GETECCU.
Dig Dis. 2024;42(3):257-264. doi: 10.1159/000537782