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Adherence to treatment of hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes in an elderly population of a Spanish cohort.
Moreno Juste A, Gimeno Miguel A, Poblador Plou B, González Rubio F, Aza Pascual-Salcedo MM, Menditto E, Prados Torres A.
Med Clin (Barc). 2018
Safety assessment of direct oral anticoagulants.
Gassó Sánchez A, Real Campaña JM, Franco Sorolla JM, Povar Marco BJ, Abad Sazatornil MR.
Med Clin (Barc). 2018
Invisible, but necessary.
Mellado JM.
Radiologia. 2018
Staging pancreatic carcinoma by computed tomography.
Montejo Gañán I, Ángel Ríos LF, Sarría Octavio de Toledo L, Martínez Mombila ME, Ros Mendoza LH.
Radiologia. 2018
Multidetector computed tomography evaluation of candidates for transcatheter aortic valve implantation.
Guillén Subirán ME, Ros Mendoza LH, Angulo Herviás E, Yagüe Romeo D, Núñez Motilva ME.
Radiologia. 2018
Long-term safety of intravenous cardiovascular agents in acute heart failure: results from the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry.
Mebazaa A, Motiejunaite J, Gayat E, Crespo-Leiro MG, Lund LH, Maggioni AP, Chioncel O, Akiyama E, Harjola VP, Seferovic P, Laroche C, Julve MS, Roig E, Ruschitzka F, Filippatos G; ESC Heart Failure Long-Term Registry Investigators.
Eur J Heart Fail. 2018
Ability of Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography to Detect Retinal and Choroidal Changes in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Garcia-Martin E, Jarauta L, Vilades E, Ara JR, Martin J, Polo V, Larrosa JM, Pablo LE, Satue M.
J Ophthalmol. 2018
Echocardiographic changes with non-invasive ventilation and CPAP in obesity hypoventilation syndrome.
Corral J, Mogollon MV, Sánchez-Quiroga MÁ, Gómez de Terreros J, Romero A, Caballero C, Teran-Santos J, Alonso-Álvarez ML, Gómez-García T, González M, López-Martínez S, de Lucas P, Marin JM, Romero O, Díaz-Cambriles T, Chiner E, Egea C, Lang RM, Mokhlesi B, Masa JF; Spanish Sleep Network.
Thorax. 2018
Identification and validation of seven new loci showing differential DNA methylation related to serum lipid profile: an epigenome-wide approach. The REGICOR study.
Sayols-Baixeras S, Subirana I, Lluis-Ganella C, Civeira F, Roquer J, Do AN, Absher D, Cenarro A, Muñoz D, Soriano-Tárraga C, Jiménez-Conde J, Ordovas JM, Senti M, Aslibekyan S, Marrugat J, Arnett DK, Elosua R.
Hum Mol Genet. 2018
Cognitive Performance in Episodic Cluster Headache.
Santos-Lasaosa S, Bellosta-Diago E, López-Bravo A, Viloria-Alebesque A, Garrrido-Fernández A, Pilar Navarro-Pérez M.
Pain Med. 2018
Demographics and patient characteristics of 1209 patients with Gaucher disease: Descriptive analysis from the Gaucher Outcome Survey (GOS).
Zimran A, Belmatoug N, Bembi B, Deegan P, Elstein D, Fernandez-Sasso D, Giraldo P, Goker-Alpan O, Lau H, Lukina E, Panahloo Z, Schwartz IVD; GOS Study group.
Am J Hematol. 2018