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Risk of Acute Liver Injury in Agomelatine and Other Antidepressant Users in Four European Countries: A Cohort and Nested Case-Control Study Using Automated Health Data Sources.
Pladevall-Vila M, Pottegård A, Schink T, Reutfors J, Morros R, Poblador-Plou B, Timmer A, Forns J, Hellfritzsch M, Reinders T, Hägg D, Giner-Soriano M, Prados-Torres A, Cainzos-Achirica M, Hallas J, Brandt L, Cortés J, Aguado J, Perlemuter G, Falissard B, Castellsagué J, Jacquot E, Deltour N, Perez-Gutthann S.
CNS Drugs. 2019
Isolation and characterization of myogenic precursor cells from human cremaster muscle.
Naldaiz-Gastesi N, Goicoechea M, Aragón IM, Pérez-López V, Fuertes-Alvarez S, Herrera-Imbroda B, López de Munain A, de Luna-Diaz R, Baptista PM, Fernández MA, Lara MF, Izeta A.
Sci Rep. 2019
Hereditary primary lateral sclerosis and progressive nonfluent aphasia.
Gazulla J, Ferrer I, Izquierdo-Alvarez S, Alvarez S, Sánchez-Alcudia R, Bestué-Cardiel M, Seral M, Benavente I, Sierra-Martínez E, Berciano J.
J Neurol. 2019
Therapeutic erythroapheresis: Experience in patients with polycythemia vera and secondary erythrocytosis.
Parra Salinas I, Recasens Flores V, Montañés MÁ, García-Erce JA.
Med Clin (Barc). 2019
A combination of photodynamic therapy and antimicrobial compounds to treat skin and mucosal infections: a systematic review.
Pérez-Laguna V, Gilaberte Y, Millán-Lou MI, Agut M, Nonell S, Rezusta A, Hamblin MR.
Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2019
The definition of immigrant status matters: impact of nationality, country of origin, and length of stay in host country on mortality estimates.
Gimeno-Feliu LA, Calderón-Larrañaga A, Díaz E, Laguna-Berna C, Poblador-Plou B, Coscollar-Santaliestra C, Prados-Torres A.
BMC Public Health. 2019
Automatic diagnosis of strict left bundle branch block using a wavelet-based approach.
Martín-Yebra A, Martínez JP.
PLoS One. 2019
RECALMIN. Four years of growth of the internal medicine units of the Spanish National Health System (2013-2016).
Zapatero-Gaviria A, Gomez-Huelgas R, Diez-Manglano J, Barba-Martín R, Carretero-Gomez J, Maestre-Peiró A, Bernal-Sobrino JL, Marco-Martinez J, Fernandez-Perez C, Elola-Somoza FJ.
Rev Clin Esp. 2019
Life expectancy of follicular lymphoma patients in complete response at 30 months is similar to that of the Spanish general population.
Magnano L, Alonso-Alvarez S, Alcoceba M, Rivas-Delgado A, Muntañola A, Nadeu F, Setoain X, Rodríguez S, Andrade-Campos M, Espinosa-Lara N, Rodríguez G, Sancho JM, Moreno M, Mercadal S, Carro I, Salar A, Garcia-Pallarols F, Arranz R, Cannata J, Terol MJ, Teruel AI, Jiménez-Ubieto A, Rodriguez A, González de Villambrosía S, Bello JL, López L, Novelli S, de Cabo E, Infante ME, Pardal E, Monsalvo S, González M, Martín A, Caballero MD, López-Guillermo A; Grupo Español de Linfomas y Trasplante Autólogo de Médula Ósea (GELTAMO).
Br J Haematol. 2019
Clinically relevant anxiety and risk of Alzheimer’s disease in an elderly community sample: 4.5 years of follow-up.
Santabárbara J, Villagrasa B, López-Antón R, Olaya B, Bueno-Notivol J, de la Cámara C, Gracia-García P, Lobo E, Lobo A.
J Affect Disord. 2019
Ustekinumab in a patient with pyoderma gangrenosum and refractory Crohn’s disease.
García Cámara P, Zubiri Ara ML, García López S.
Med Clin (Barc). 2019
Effect of lipid-lowering treatment in cardiovascular disease prevalence in familial hypercholesterolemia.
Perez-Calahorra S, Laclaustra M, Marco-Benedí V, Lamiquiz-Moneo I, Pedro-Botet J, Plana N, Sanchez-Hernandez RM, Amor AJ, Almagro F, Fuentes F, Suarez-Tembra M, Civeira F; Dyslipemia Registry of Spanish Arteriosclerosis Society.
Atherosclerosis. 2019
Molecular epidemiology of an enterovirus A71 outbreak associated with severe neurological disease, Spain, 2016.
González-Sanz R, Casas-Alba D, Launes C, Muñoz-Almagro C, Ruiz-García MM, Alonso M, González-Abad MJ, Megías G, Rabella N, Del Cuerpo M, Gozalo-Margüello M, González-Praetorius A, Martínez-Sapiña A, Goyanes-Galán MJ, Romero MP, Calvo C, Antón A, Imaz M, Aranzamendi M, Hernández-Rodríguez Á, Moreno-Docón A, Rey-Cao S, Navascués A, Otero A, Cabrerizo M.
Euro Surveill. 2019
Survival and quality of life in elderly patients in conservative management.
Rubio Rubio MV, Lou Arnal LM, Gimeno Orna JA, Munguía Navarro P, Gutiérrez-Dalmau A, Lambán Ibor E, Paúl Ramos J, Pernaute Lavilla R, Campos Gutiérrez B, San Juan Hernández-Franch A.
Nefrologia. 2019
Iron Treatment May Be Difficult in Inflammatory Diseases: Inflammatory Bowel Disease as a Paradigm.
Gargallo-Puyuelo CJ, Alfambra E, García-Erce JA, Gomollon F.
Nutrients. 2018
Role of copy number variants in sudden cardiac death and related diseases: genetic analysis and translation into clinical practice.
Mates J, Mademont-Soler I, Del Olmo B, Ferrer-Costa C, Coll M, Pérez-Serra A, Picó F, Allegue C, Fernandez-Falgueras A, Álvarez P, Yotti R, Espinosa MA, Sarquella-Brugada G, Cesar S, Carro E, Brugada J, Arbelo E, Garcia-Pavia P, Borregan M, Tizzano E, López-Granados A, Mazuelos F, Díaz de Bustamante A, Darnaude MT, González-Hevia JI, Díaz-Flores F, Trujillo F, Iglesias A, Fernandez-Aviles F, Campuzano O, Brugada R.
Eur J Hum Genet. 2018
Phase II trial of ifosfamide in combination with the VEGFR inhibitor sorafenib in advanced soft tissue sarcoma: a Spanish group for research on sarcomas (GEIS) study.
García Del Muro X, Maurel J, Martínez Trufero J, Lavernia J, López Pousa A, de Las Peñas R, Cubedo R, Berros JP, Casado Herráez A, de Juan A, Martín Broto J.
Invest New Drugs. 2018
Anticoagulation with rivaroxaban in a hematology unit: clinical profile, events and discontinuation rates in real-life patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.
Gavín Sebastián O, Izuzquiza Fernández M, Martínez Fernández R, Palomera Bernal L.
Future Cardiol. 2018
Automatic activation mapping and origin identification of idiopathic outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias.
Alcaine A, Soto-Iglesias D, Acosta J, Korshunov V, Penela D, Martínez M, Linhart M, Andreu D, Fernández-Armenta J, Laguna P, Martínez JP, Camara O, Berruezo A.
J Electrocardiol. 2018